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威猛五侠。The Furious Five!

他强壮,威猛,最重要的是他很诚实。He is strong, brave and, above all honest.

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后来,毛宝成了一名威猛的将军。Later, Mao Bao became a very powerful general.

他发出威猛的怒吼声,却无法逃脱。He gave out a mighty roar, but he could not escape.

虎性威猛,常喻将帅之勇。Tiger sex mighty, often Yu marshals the courage to.

文殊的坐骑为一青狮,表示智慧威猛。The manjusri for a green lion, mount that feels wisdom.

我在中国见过不少高大威猛的性感肌肉男。I have seen some very masculine HOT and BIG Chinese dudes.

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他因为战术勇敢威猛而被选中,而杰克逊也没有让人失望。Chosen for his tactical prowess and bravery, Jackson did not disappoint.

我总是听到别人我是个很好说话的人。高大威猛,讨人喜欢。I often hear that Im easy to talk to, im huggable as well as tall dark and handsome.

虎乃百兽之王。虎的威猛有力,一直为人羡慕、推崇。Tiger is the king of animals, mighty and powerful of tiger, always admired by people.

江湖上也渐渐流传着中国政府官员威猛的故事。There’s also the growing reputation of Chinese government officials as a particularly virile lot.

狮子代表神秘、威猛和勇敢,但也以高贵和权威为特征。The lions symbolize the mystery, forcefulness and brevity, and characterize the nobility and authority.

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同时,这本书的结局很郁闷,兰博当面被射杀,从而结束了他那些威猛的狂暴行为。Also, the book's ending is depressing, as Rambo stops his totally awesome rampage to be shot in the face.

他一看到藏獒威猛霸气的雄姿,就被迷住了,请求父亲给他买一条。He saw possession of a mighty domineering attitude, it was fascinated, he requested his father to buy one.

为威猛的CAN总线系统中使用的关键问题是不同的节点之间的数据传输速率。The critical issue for the use of CAN bus system in WHAM is the data transfer rate between different nodes.

进了高中后,这样感觉越发强烈,他偷偷喜欢上同班的一位高大威猛的男生。The feeling got stronger when he entered high school and fell secretly amorous of a tall and strong classmate.

让我们希望,小羚羊在回家后千万不要告诉自己所有的朋友,那些身材威猛、长相恐惧的猎豹是如何心地善良。Let's hope it didn't tell all its friends how nice those big, scarylooking cheetahs really are when you get to know them.

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这名高大威猛的前锋在利物浦3-1战胜曼联的比赛的下半场替补出场时,享受到球迷们起立为他鼓掌的待遇。The powerful front man was afforded a standing ovation when he entered the action as a second-half substitute in the 3-1 win.

草儿们手挽着手不怕风不怕雨,那威猛的气势有如一堵钢铁长城。Grass was hand in hand they are not afraid of the wind are not afraid of rain, that the mighty momentum like a wall of steel wall.

在威猛乐队解散后,迈克尔开始独唱生涯,以专注于性取向和欲望等主题的作品在全球取得了成功。After Wham! split, Michael launched his solo career, and would achieve globalsuccess with his work centring on themes of sexuality and desire.