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你开始发白日梦。You begin to day-dream.

我住在音乐我的白日梦。I live my daydreams in music.

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白日梦宁多勿少。Daydream more rather than less.

哎,又做白日梦哪?Hey, are you day-dreaming again?

别做白日梦了,回到现实生活中吧。Stop day-dreaming and get a life.

醒醒吧,朋友,别做白日梦了。Wake up mate & stop day-dreaming.

白日梦破灭在你自己手里。And daydreams shatter in your hand

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每当我从梦中醒来,每天都是一个白日梦的开始I wake up, every day is a daydream

打电话时一起做白日梦。Stargaze while you're on the phone.

我小时候经常做白日梦。When I was young I always daydreamed.

而我所得到的,远远超出了我的白日梦!I got much more than I had daydreamed!

不要做白日梦或者花时间幻想。Don't daydream or spend time fantasizing.

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它要比无用的白日梦有用多了。It is much more than just idle daydreaming.

这个年轻人老爱做白日梦。The young man was much given to daydreaming.

这是一段白日梦似的超现实主义段落。This is day dream-like surrealistic section.

我的白日梦被一阵敲门声打断了。As I daydreamed, there was a knock on the door.

白日梦是懒惰,总是让事情自己来临。Day-dreaming is lazy, just letting things come.

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那么,应该做些什么才能把白日梦挡在外面不让它钻进来呢?So what to do to keep daydreams from coming in?

但原谅我要分享一下自己的白日梦。But forgive me for sharing my own private daydream.

从前这就是所谓的美国梦,现在可以称作恍恍惚惚的白日梦。Once upon a time this was called the American Dream.