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难道不存在限度吗?Are there no limits?

但即便如此,你也是有限度的。But even you have your limits.

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什么事都要有个限度。Everything should have a limit.

很明显,这种做法有一个限度。Obviously, this reachs a limit.

然后,添加最低限度的糖。Then keep added sugars to a minimum.

她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度。Her beauty surpasses all description.

特快专递的最大重量限度是20千克。The max weight of an E. M. S is 20Kg.

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我们的预算额已削减到最低限度。Our budget has been pared to the bone.

这些东西肯定要不了你的命,但还是把摄入量保持在最小限度吧。Won’t kill you but keep it to a minimum.

我们的预算额已削减到最低限度。Her a plaster of pared mold of your hand.

我该容忍多大限度的预先设计?How much up-front design do you tolerate?

我该容忍多大限度的预先设计?How much upfront design should I tolerate?

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但是追债人在法律范围内能做的多大限度呢?But how far can debt collectors legally go?

维护最小限度的信息量。Maintain the minimal amount of information.

这些细微的限度不应用于小犬上。The minimum limits do not apply to puppies.

然而,我的慷慨也是有限度的。There is, however, a limit to my generosity.

我希望下次你不要像这样再超越限度了。I prefer you not to overrun on this next time.

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我们必须对旅行的费用定一限度。We must set a limit to the expense of the trip.

他赛前量体重比规定限度少几磅。He weighed in at several pounds below the limit.

最低限度下,它们实例化并销毁对象。Minimally, they instantiate and destroy objects.