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我是天之骄子。I am God's favored one.

如果现在还有哪位大学生自称“天之骄子”,你一定会觉得相当“雷”人。No college student now will call himself an unusually lucky person.

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殴打一个在哭的小孩,只会火上加油罢了。天之骄子。Add fuel to the flame e. G. To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the flame.

黄山,天之骄子,国之瑰宝,世界奇观,大自然绝唱。Huangshan, favored, a national treasure, the world's wonders, nature never occur again.

同样,学生朋友们,不要天真到以为警察们不会发现你的恶行,因为,我们并非是真正的“天之骄子”,犯了错,甚至罪,都无法赦免。Students, dont’be naive and think Crimewatch won’t discover you. We’re not immune to anything.

这听起来可能奇怪,因为大学生曾经是社会上“最受宠/天之骄子”的人。This may sound strange since college students used to be the "most favored" people in society.

这些学生,这些宝贝、这些我们的最爱、文明的天之骄子,到底是什麽在毁灭他们?What's eating them, these students, the little dears, our favorites, the darlings of civilization?

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无论是害群之马,还是天之骄子,兄弟姐妹关系无疑是很难处理的。There 's no doubt that sibling relationships can be trying, both for the black sheep and the golden child.

你喜欢他,他却以为自己是天之骄子,每次见到你,也装出一副坐怀不乱的模样。You love him, but he thinks he's who the god loves. Every time he meets you , he pretends to be a gentleman.

是时候该客观重新审视自己了,大学生并非天之骄子。It's high time you looked at yourself objectively. College students are not heaven-favored children any longer.

那一年,他以优异的成绩考上了大学,成为那个时代百里挑一的“天之骄子”。That year, Wu entered a university with excellent score, and became the only" favored one by God" in that area.

这种转变很不“和谐”,因为那些在学校被唤作“天之骄子”学生们,却没有在社会中担当精英的角色。It's a jarring change for an educated elite in a society where university students are called "Proud Children of Heaven."

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作为“天之骄子”的大学生,在道德方面也表现出了某些与其身份不符的道德缺失。College students, as"children of fortune", have also demonstrated moral deficiency, which is inconsistent with their status.

任何国家、社会、人群中都存在弱者,被称为“天之骄子”的大学生亦不例外。The weak exist in any community, country and society. College students who are called "God is favorite son" are no exception.

他们看起来如有神力,成就了一次又一次的成功,满溢出蓬勃的经历,显然是天之骄子。It seems like they have a magical touch, churning out success after success, overflowing with energy, and apparently just blessed.

每个人都说他是一位得天独厚的天之骄子,事实上,他是经历多年辛苦工作才获得财富。Everyone said that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but actually he acquired his fortune through many years of hard work.

随着新世纪的到来,这个在世界海军中令人瞩目的“天之骄子”,作为美国海军的中坚,继续在蓝色的大洋中纵横驰骋。As the new century, this striking navy in the world of "lucky" as the backbone of the U. S. Navy to continue to dash about the blue ocean.

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什么都不要辩解,还是回想下,我们这些大学生,这些所谓的“天之骄子”都做了些什么吧!Anything do not have to argue, or under the recollection, our these university students, these so-called "the God's favoured one" have all made any!

高校大学生这一被誉为“天之骄子”的青年学生群体正成为各类商家争夺的对象。One young student colony to praised as " God's favored one " this, university student of university, become target that trade company fight for all kinds of.

毕业论文世界各国的“天之骄子”们简直都发现“饭碗”难找,大学生就业形势非常严峻。Various countries "the day arrogant it" nearly discovered that "the rice bowl" difficult to look, the university student gets employed the situation to be very stern.