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学步车聚集。Walkers Gathered.

海涛聚集后就是海啸了。Tsunami is fit for you!

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我们都聚集在角落里。We all herded into the corner.

我们生活的地球由星际尘埃聚集而成。We are here, made of stardust.

西边天空上有暴风雨在聚集。A storm is brewing in the west.

一群人很快地聚集在他周围。A crowd soon gathered round him.

我们怎么把员工重新聚集的呢。But how did we get people along.

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我的目光聚集到那一碟菜上。I kept my eyes fixed on my dish.

孩子们聚集在老师周围。The children are trooping along.

穿松紧线在中心聚集半身像。Gathered shirring at center bust.

于是利末的子孙都到他那里聚集。And all the Levites rallied to him.

他正在聚集写书的资料。He i collecting material for a ook.

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也就是所有恶魔的聚集之所。It was the place of all the demons.

云朵又迅速聚集起来。The clouds speedily gathered again.

其他人则将聚集在祖科蒂公园。Others will gather in Zuccotti Park.

小鸡聚集在母鸡翅膀下面。The chickens gathered under the hen.

昨天,所有的“八”字都聚集在了一起。Yesterday, the eights were lined up.

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纽约聚集着各种各样、形形色色的人。All kinds of people come to New York.

动力聚集在我的周围。Momentum was gathering all around me.

他们实际上都聚集在中间立场They really were crowding the center.