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击中目标!Hit target!

了解你的目标。Know your target.

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这就是我的目标。That was my goal.

定义和目标。Define and Target.

这就是她的目标。That was her goal.

这是我们的目标。That was our goal.

你设定目标了吗?Have you set goals?

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如何运做以达到目标的?How does it operate?

你的目标是什么?What are your goals?

你击中目标了吗?Did you hit your man?

制定符合实际的目标。Sett realistic goals.

这个目标是一种假目标。The target is a fake.

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明确你的目标。Visualise your goals.

也许一个连贯性的方案可能会帮助我们实现这一目标。A coherent plan could.

坏打破,福禄克的目标。Bad break, fluke goal.

重新审视你的目标。Reevaluate your goals.

我们还有其他目标。We have other targets.

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记下你的目标。Write your goals down.

我们的目标是2.5万球迷。Our target is 25k fans.

你的目标是什么?What is your objective?