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这件麻烦事确实使他心力交瘁。This trouble has really broken him up.

直到心力交瘁,方知自己是谁。Till our own weakness shows us what we are.

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抗争了这么多年,我已经心力交瘁了!I am so ex­hausted from fighting for so many years.

与后者打交道会让人心力交瘁,痛苦不堪。Dealing with the latter can be anguishing and taxing.

如果你不断受到打击,你将会心力交瘁。If you are constantly overwhelmed, you will burn out.

这是八年前的一段让我心力交瘁的经历。That was eight years ago. It was an unnerving experience.

成天设计害人﹐你大概会以为姓蒋的会心力交瘁吧。With all that scheming going on, you'd think Jiang would be tired.

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作为年迈的领导人,冷酷无情制度的苛求使他心力交瘁。The aged leader was exhausted by the exaction of a pitiless system.

天禄心力交瘁,一下子整个人衰老了很多。We suddenly the whole person mentally and physically exhausted, a lot of aging.

才转然看到过往的心力交瘁。Only then transfers however sees toward being mentally and physically exhausted.

创业过程中她学到的一课就是,她强调道,创业之旅会让人心力交瘁。One lesson learned, she adds, is that the entrepreneurial journey is all-consuming.

她和男朋友分手了,而新伴侣也总是为了满足她的要求而心力交瘁。She and her boyfriend split— and new partners struggle to keep up with her sex demands.

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我现在已经心力交瘁,心灵上的痛苦比肉体上的痛苦更危险。I fell tired deeply now. Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.

而这一过程中,孩子的父亲已经心力交瘁,母亲则整日以泪洗面。During this case, the child's father was exhausted and the mother had been crying all day.

然而我们现实生活中,这样的桥段和矛盾会让我们心力交瘁,还会直接导致感情破裂。In our real lives, such drama and conflict are exhausting and cheating can ruin relationships.

你会感到情绪上萎靡不振,心力交瘁并且很可能还要受到各种讨厌的身体症状的折磨。You felt emotionally drained, mentally exhausted and you most likely endured unpleasant physical symptoms.

在工作中没有什么像被贬低和忽略一样让人感到疏远和心力交瘁了。There may be no more alienating and energy-draining experience at work than feeling diminished and devalued.

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当我茫然地盯着午后窗外的天空擦过粉灰色的云时,感到心力交瘁。I felt depleted and wrecked as I stared blankly out the window at pink-gray clouds slowly traversing the afternoon sky.

在社会生活这方面上多花点时间能使你在让人心力交瘁的工作之后适当恢复。Spending time on this aspect of your life helps to let you mentally recover from any drain work may have placed on you.

为儿女,她付出了太多,她已心力交瘁,却没有一个温暖的肩膀可以依靠。For the children, she paid too much, she has to be mentally and physically exhausted, but no one can rely on the shoulder.