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我们想知道你们是否做抵偿贸易。We wonder whether you do counter trade.

他们的财产被扣押以抵偿租金。Their goods were distrained upon for rent.

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形容罪大恶极,即使处死刑也抵偿不了他的罪恶。Death still leaves a margin of inexpiable guilt.

我们常常拿明天的钱来抵偿昨天的帐。We often borrow from our tomorrows to pay our debts to our yesterdays.

即使失败了,自身累计财富也可以用来抵偿。However, if they fail, all of their accumulated wealth can be destroyed.

身体会通过加强吸收碱性矿物质来抵偿偏于酸性的酸碱值。The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals.

很多高压力的城市也会提供很多好处,这些好处足以抵偿所带来的压力。Lots of stressful cities also have plenty to offer that outweigh the stress for some.

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什么都抵偿不了他所接触的那一张张面孔和所跨越的世纪。Nothing can make up for the sum of faces and centuries he would otherwise have traversed.

老板没付欠我的一万元,而是以他的汽车作为抵偿。The boss couldn't pay me ten thousand dollars he owed me but let me take it out in his car.

一是从消耗者那边得到货泉,以便对商品消费中的劳动耗损予以抵偿。First, from the consumer to obtain money, goods to the production of labor compensation to be consumed.

为了抵偿昨晚没有陪你一同看片子,本人决议明天午时请你吃麦当劳能够吗?To compensate for not accompany you last night, I decided to go to the movies tomorrow at noon you eat at McDonald's?

英国石油业巨子英国石油公司已向法院承诺抛却该公司对海湾漏油事务的法定抵偿金上限。British oil giant BP has told a court it was committed to waiving the legal cap on its liability from the Gulf oil spill.

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乙方不得过问此种间接贸易,也无权向甲方提出任何抵偿或佣金央求。Party B shall not interfere in such direct dealings, nor shall Party B bring forward any demand for compensation therefrom.

最后男孩们被逮到了,他们被强令用工作抵偿商店的损失,工钱每小时二十五美分。When the boys finally got caught, they were forced to pay for the goods by working at the store for twenty-five cents an hour.

力量训练演习,诸如举重,很重要,因为它们有助于抵偿衰老造成的肌肉流失。Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting, are important because they help counteract muscle loss associated with aging.

负债和业主权益使企业在将来的某一时间必须用货币或劳务来抵偿的义务或债务。Liabilities or creditors' equity are the obligations or debts that the firm must pay in money or services at some time in the future.

一名阁僚建议提高公司所付工薪税,并用多征收的部分,抵偿工人所交的工薪税。A staff member proposes raising the payroll tax paid by firms and using part of the extra revenue to reduce the payroll tax paid by workers.

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政府可以给提供有薪假期的雇主们一些税收优惠,以抵偿全部或大部分有薪假期的成本。The government could give employers an incentive to provide paid time off now by giving tax breaks to cover all or most of the paid time off.

烟草业所走的最精明的一着棋则是,它就各州接踵而至提起、旨在要求抵偿烟民治病用度的诉讼与各州达成了让步。The industry's shrewdest move was to defuse a barrage of cases brought by individual states, aiming to reclaim the cost of treating sick smokers.

稀少的降水抵偿不了蒸发的水分消耗,因而形成“十年九春旱”的气候特点。Can hardly offset the scarcity of precipitation evaporation of water consumption, thus giving rise to a "Decade of nine spring" climate characteristics.