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绝对让人叹为观止管音!Absolutely stunning tube tone!

这是个宁人叹为观止的地方。It was just a spectacular place.

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女人具有男人所叹为观止的力量。Women have strengths that amaze men.

博士的扣篮让人叹为观止。Doctor J's dunks were wondrous to the eye.

变戏法者使市民们叹为观止。The juggler was the amazement of the whole city.

看看那些叹为观止的电影和引你深思的电视节目。Watch breathtaking movies and mind-bending TV shows.

勃罗卡角是数学的一个经典,令人叹为观止。Brocard angle is an admirable classic in mathematics.

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由此可见刀削面在大同的魅力真的令人叹为观止。This shows of noodles in datong charm really amazing.

面相觑,对这位少年真是叹为观止。Face reading Qu really sighs for the view to this young.

由此开始,一位向导将呈现史上最叹为观止的三维立体电影。Here, a guide to making the most convincing 3-D film yet.

这是我们要为叹为观止的人类智力所付出的代价。It’s the price we pay for all that amazing human intelligence.

探险队员们对山顶的景色叹为观止。The group of explorer were stunned by the view from the summit.

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它们色彩之丰富、形状之多变和习性之多样,足以让人叹为观止。They astonish with the variety of colors, shapes, and behaviors.

位于罗马的科洛西姆斗兽场是世界上最令人叹为观止的建筑之一。The Colosseum in Rome is one of the world's most amazing buildings.

准备、精确与时机俱臻佳境,实在让人叹为观止。Preparation, precision, and timing all coming together so wonderfully.

各种火山活动让这里呈现出多种美丽的颜色,令人叹为观止。The colors are a result of volcanic activity.The beauty is breathtaking.

这个月清真寺里里外外的景象可以说是叹为观止啊!The scene around and in the mosques is really fascinating in this month.

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这些色彩是火山活动的结果,其美丽令人叹为观止。The colors are a result of volcanic activity. The beauty is breathtaking.

那些刚长羽毛的小鸟初次飞行的样子令人叹为观止。The fledglings were amazing to watch as they tried to fly for the first time.

杰出游击手的迅速和灵活绝对令人叹为观止。The quickness and agility of a good shortstop can certainly be awe-inspiring.