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把线轴衬清理干净,弄干后涂一滴油。Dry spool bushing. Apply one drop of oil to bushing.

它是一个好想法周期性地润滑凸轮、轨和轴衬。It is a good idea to lube the cams, axles and bushings periodically.

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轴衬磨损严重时要更换新轴衬。The axle bushing wears is serious when must replace the new axle bushing.

投入一点在轮子和凸轮的每边在轴衬并且让浸泡下来入轨。Put a little on each side of wheels and cams at the bushings and let soak down into the axles as well.

由设于摩擦板间的中心构件厚度,决定正确的轴衬长度。Determine the proper bushing length from the thickness of the center member to be inserted between the friction facings.

正在申请专利的锁定轴衬用于自动型号,能够实现精确调节,确保紧密关闭或最大开启度。The patent pending lockout collar for the automated models allows fine adjustment to ensure tight shutoff or maximum opening.

该模型可用于预测微转子轴衬的磨损与接触状况,分析微转子系统的磨损特性。This model can be used to predict wear of rotor bushing, to solve contact problem, and to analyze wear characteristics of the micro-rotor system.

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设有螺旋润滑油槽的磷铜质轴衬最大限度地延长了轴的使用寿命,也提高了碾压侧板的强度。Phosphor bronze main jaw pivot bushes with helical grease grooves maximize the pin service life and the laminated jaw side plates enhance strength.

对于齿轮、滑动轴承和轴衬这样的部件,对摩擦件本身和摩擦副材料的磨损要求降低到最小限度。For parts such as gearwheels, sliding bearings and bushings, the wear on the part itself and on the counter materials must be restricted to a minimum.

尾端套管上穿套一个耐磨轴衬,轴衬凸缘被压在尾翼板和尾端套管之间。A wear-resistant bushing is sheathed on a tail end sleeve end tube, and a flange of the bushing is pressed between the tail wing plate and the tail end sleeve tube.

从标准润滑油嘴注入的润滑油通过轴承外径的环形槽分流到阀轴上,并且从径向孔流入轴衬壁上。Grease from a standard grease fitting is distributed to the shaft through a groove in the outside diameter of the bearing and from radial holes in the bushing's well.