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未来学家说机器人将是我们生活的一大部分。Futurists say robots will be a large part of life.

马克思主义辩证法是未来学的方法论。Marxist's dialectics is the methodology of the futurology.

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一些未来学家声称公司的人力资本是其最大的资产。Some futurists claim that human capital is a company's greatest a et.

未来学家声称公司的人力资本是其最大的资产。Some futurists claim that human capital is a company's greatest asset.

一些未来学家声称公司的人力资本是其最大的资产。Some futurists claim that human capital is a company’s greatest asset.

这个周末,数百个未来学家将在纽卡斯尔大学举行会议。This weekend, hundreds of futurologists are meeting at Newcastle University.

诚然,几世纪以来,未来学家们的预言总是失误多于命中。Indeed, over the centuries futurologists have more often been wrong than right.

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软科学是近代兴起的一门预测科学,即一门未来学。Soft science is a developing modern forecast science, that is, a future-science.

文章最后简要说明了未来学在预算控制中的运用。Finally, this paper explains the application of futurology in the budgeting control.

钟政勋先生问「未来学」领域有哪些著名的应用实例?Chung Cheng-hsin asked about the famous practical examples in the area of futurology.

第一部分首先介绍了预算管理与未来学的关系。First chapter introduces the relationship between budgeting management and futurology.

未来学研究的30年法则也说明技术的发展是渐进的过程。The 30 years principle of the futurology also shows the technology advances gradually.

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他们很可能是未来学家或者哲学家们所称为的后人类或者超人类。They may well be what futurists and philosophers refer to as posthumans or transhumans.

未来学家乔治格力德描述世界经济是依靠沙子,玻璃和空气。Futurist George Gilder describes world where the economy is based on sand, glass and air.

“主动安全技术”近年来一直是汽车产业未来学家的话题。"Active safety technology" has been the buzz of auto-industry futurists for several years.

动画呈现终极盘古大陆显示,未来学想法的大胆运作。An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking.

大多数实践者反对“新科学”的这一想法,甚至对未来学这个词吹毛求疵。Most practitioners reject the idea of a "new science" and cavil even at the word futurology.

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未来学家也是谬误百出,信息经济并不能靠卖信息获利,相反信息技术使得复制剽窃信息变得越来越容易。The futurists were just plain wrong. An“information economy” can’t be based on selling information.

本研究将综合以上论点,并重新诠释未来学「时间」意义底下的观念与价值。This research encompasses all the ideas above, and reinterprets the time concept in Futures Studies.

大多数的未来学家倾向于集中研究未来科技令人惊异的能力。Most futurists tend to concentrate on the amazing capabilities that future technologies will develop.