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这些长袍减价出售。These robes are on sale.

这些热裤在减价销售吗?。Are there hot-pants on sale?

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这种牙膏今天减价出售吗?Is this toothpaste on sale today?

所有商品减价出售。All the goods are sold at a discount.

这次减价销售目的是售出存货。The sale is intented to clear old stock.

部分商品减价出售。Part of the goods are sold as a discount.

这家商店对付现金的人减价优惠。The dealer reduced the price for cash down.

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该店的服装全部减价出售。The store discounted all clothing for sale.

所有的纺织品都减价了。All the textile prices have been marked down.

今天减价时我买了这张披头士的新唱片。I bought this new Beatles disc on sale today.

该店服装全部减价出售。The store discounted all clothing for the sale.

该店正减价出售大批玩具存货。The store is closing out a large stock of toys.

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今天减价时我买了这张黄莺莺的新唱片。I bought this new Tracy Huang disc on sale today.

旧金山这里的每家酒吧几乎都有减价供应饮料的时间,San Francisco has a happy hour, almost every bar,

我可以在哲基尔完全禁用减价解析吗?。Can I disable markdown parsing in Jekyll entirely?

今天减价时我买了这张唐娜·桑玛丝的新唱片。I bought this new Donna Summers disc on sale today.

今天减价时我买了这张法兰克·辛那屈的新唱片。I bought this new Frank Sinatra disc on sale today.

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LV现在有个买一送一大减价!买一个包包送一个包包!LV is having a BOGO sale! Buy one bag, get one free!

今天这家商店里的鹅绒被子减价。The goose down quilt is on sale today in this store.

橙汁今天减价出售,很划算的。The orange juice is on sale today, it's a good deal.