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我们之间确实存在分歧。We do have our differences.

让我们忘掉我们的分歧吧。Let's forget our differences.

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有分歧的声音必须得到倾听。Divergent voices must be heard.

我在这一点上跟你有分歧。On one point I differ from you.

必须欢迎有分歧的想法。Divergent ideas must be invited.

分歧依然是存在的。The differences are still there.

分歧、对称与模式。Bifurcation, symmetry and patterns.

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在这一点上意见有分歧。Opinions are divided on this point.

分歧,相异,如在观点或行为上。To differ, as in opinion or manner.

年夜学能使自己们地人生变得分歧。College can make our life different.

两国间仍有很大分歧。Much still divides the two countries.

现在,我们遇到了一个有分歧的话题。Now we come to a point of divergence.

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找到20种分歧的灵兽。Awarded for finding 20 types of Imajinn.

对那件事我们的看法有分歧。Our opinions were divided on the matter.

虽然我们在一些事情上有分歧。although we disagreed on certain things.

但如何协调分歧习惯?But how to reconcile divergent practices?

这就是我们赖以减少分歧的方式。That is how we will narrow our divisions.

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在一个小问题上,意见出现分歧。Opinions are divided about a small matter.

但是,这样一种分歧可能如何产生呢?But how might such a divergence come about?

但仍然存在巨大分歧。But there remains a large rich-poor divide.