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他和他心爱的人私奔了。He elopes with his lover.

还带着心爱的五弦琴。With the banjo on my knee.

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南施是比尔心爱的人。Nancy is Bill's sweetiepie.

想着你心爱的某个人。Think about somebody you love.

兔子是一种心爱的动物。Rabit is a kind of cute animal.

祝你幸福,我心爱的孩子。Be happy, my well-beloved child.

我把最心爱的大衣穿坏了。I have worn out my favorite coat.

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这本书是他的心爱之物。The book is the apple of his eye.

这男孩心爱的玩具是溜溜球。The boy's favorite toy is a yoyo.

还有我心爱的恋人温柔的呼唤声。And the tender voice of my beloved.

翀他是我一生中最心爱的人。He is the greatest love of my life.

今晚带一个心爱的人去看场电影吧!Take a loved one to a movie tonite.

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我和伱在一起,就是真心爱伱。I and Ni together, is truly loved Ni.

何况那又是我特别心爱的一只手提箱。Valise I have a particular fancy for.

何况那又是我特别心爱的一只手提箱,皮制的。Valise I have a particular fancy for.

我心爱的各位,我是梅塔特隆。Beloveds of my own heart, I am Metatron.

这老人像妈妈带孩子一样饲养他心爱的鸽子。The old man mothered his beloved pigeons.

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他每天喋喋不休要我辞掉心爱的工作。Who nagged me into quitting a job I loved.

在门缝里,偷望着她拉着心爱的小提琴。He peeks she is playing the beloved violin.

她心爱的饰针找不到了。Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found.