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正在这个节骨眼上,昆西回来了。Quincy returned at this very juncture.

在这个节骨眼上,他威胁杀死人质。At this point, he threatened to kill a hostage.

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就在这个节骨眼儿上突然出现了一个新问题。A new problem cropped out at this critical moment.

就在这个节骨眼儿上,一只乌龟爬了过来。Right at that point, a tortoise came crawling into view.

没有人都这节骨眼儿上了还能够惦记着说这是别人的问题。Nobody can now still imagine this is somebody else’s problem.

在这个节骨眼上,想买美国汽车的人并不够多。Not enough people want to buy an American product at this point.

在这样一个节骨眼上,贵金属市场表现如何呢?What is the market scenario in precious metals at this juncture?

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他并称,"然而在这个节骨眼上,失望的机会不大."There is however little scope for disappointment at this juncture.

我们真的到了人们宁愿持有哈萨克的资产,而非美国资产的节骨眼了吗?Are we really at the stage when people would rather hold Kazakhstan than the U.S.?

在这个节骨眼上,他们会让夏恩挥棒而放弃赢取比赛的机会么?At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?

不用说,我激动得浑身颤抖——不过,也正是在那个节骨眼上我停止进步了。Needless to say, I was thrilled—but that is the very moment at which my progress stopped.

“在这个节骨眼上,如果我的家人没能帮助我,我不可能有这个房子的,”她说。“If my family weren’t able to help me out at this point, I wouldn’t have a home, ” she said.

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可是离别的日子在不紧不慢中终于还是来了,就在这节骨眼上凯瑟琳怀孕了。But the days of departure was finally in slow or come here, in this very juncture when Catherine pregnant.

这事让我心神不宁,唉,在这个节骨眼上,我想我们还是得认真对待,小心为妙。I'm pretty disturbed by it, yeah, eh, I think at this point we have to take these things fairly seriously.

总之,你现在正处于一个节骨眼上,它给你一个机会让你有意识地释放当初离「家」出走时的第一个妄作。So , now you are at a point of having the conscious opportunity to release that first move away from Home.

然而在这个节骨眼上,美欧发现它们对土耳其的影响力明显减弱。Yet at this critical juncture, the United States and Europe find their leverage on Turkey markedly diminished.

萨克奇在这个节骨眼上跳出来要成为世界领袖的把戏也是在为其明年要进行的激烈总统选举进行赛前热身。And he jumped at the chance to look like a world leader in the run-up to next year’s hotly contested presidential election.

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莉莉却在这节骨眼上怀了孕,却又不分明孩子的父亲是老谭,还是飞亚,她决议把孩子生下来。Lily is in this juncture conceived, yet unclear is the father of the child, or old tan child, she fiat resolution was born.

他的父亲对他说,"我老是发现,你成天游手好闲,而不在这节骨眼儿上多花点功夫做正经事"His father said, "I see you are spending more of your time in idleness than in taking care of business at this crucial time."

说起Ipad,对于这种最新型的平板电脑,政府在这个节骨眼上也不会考虑到要调整的。As for the iPad, tablet computers are much too new of a category for the government to even think about regulating at this point.