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无论出于何种原因,总之到2002年以后沃尔恰的网络犯罪已经成为了燎原之势。Whatever the reason, online crime was widespread by 2002.

这个举动就像一颗火种点燃了牛仔诗的复兴,并以燎原之势传遍了草原。That sparked a revival that has spread like fire through mustard grass.

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从无到有,从小到大,弹性地板在国内的应用逐渐成星火燎原之势。From nought up, the resilient floor become more and more popular in china.

目前证券投资基金业正以星火燎原之势蓬勃发展。At present investment-security-fund industry is in rapid development stage.

当网上的评论转向负面,这些监视者就评估它是否会形成燎原之势。When online commentary turns negative, the monitors assess whether it might flare up.

自二十世纪八十年代以来,时尚杂志从星星之火发展到燎原之势。The fashion magazines have sprung up from single spark to prairie fire since the 1980"s."

行业组织从悄然兴起到发展壮大,在我国已呈星火燎原之势而不可阻却。The rising and developing of social professional associations is an inexorable trend in our country.

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在不断的探索中,土地整理产业化的雏形微露端倪,在发达地区,更有燎原之势。In unceasing explore, land arrangement has been germinating and especially in developed area has a promising tendency.

这一版本的俄罗斯方块通过软盘拷贝以野火燎原之势在全世界风行开来,引起了很多游戏发行商的关注。This version of Tetris spread like wildfire around the world on copied floppy disks, catching the attention of many game publishers.

其从试点成立至今才短短三年多的时间,但从发展的规模看,已成星星之火燎原之势。It has been set up only three years in china, but the size of its development has become that "A single spark can start a prairie fire."

她说,这种情形如果发生在野外,获得抗病毒基因的野生燕麦便可能以燎原之势席卷美国西部,将其他原生草类逼得走投无路。If that happened in the field, she says, wild oats might run amok in the western U. S. , outcompeting native grasses with kudzu-like intensity.

事实上,尤文足校希望开设足球学院的美国部,为足校在大洋彼岸呈燎原之势的发展奠定坚实基础。Indeed Juventus Soccer Schools' aim is to establish an Academy in the U. S. , paving the way for a proper Juventus Soccer school based in America.

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学术发展与学术传播密切相关,积极、有效的传播活动可以使学术点点星火终成燎原之势。Academic development has great relate with its dissemination. The active and Effective dissemination can make little stream became the widely ocean.

因此,近几年来它频频亮相,以燎原之势蔓延。虽然,中式住宅设计已经取得了一定成就和发展,但仍面临着多样困境。Therefore, in the recent few years, not only has Chinese style house frequently strike a pose on the stage, but it has set the prairie ablaze to spread out.

电视“民生新闻”在短短的两、三时间里,在全国各地电视台形成了燎原之势,创造出了令人惊叹的高收视率。"TV news of people's livelihoods" has been favored by many TV stations of cities, and created miraculous high audience rate in the recent two or three years.

与此同时,一大批高新技术产业区、保税区、出口加工区及至边境经济合作区星罗棋布地在全国形成燎原之势。In the meantime, many high technology areas, tax free areas, import & export areas and economical cooperation areas along the borders are scattered all over China.

并且,随着持续的外语热和高校双语教学的开展,中学双语教学也具有燎原之势。Along with foreign language heat and high school bilingual teaching open an exhibition, bilingual teaching in the high school also has power of cause conflagration.

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目前,阅读终端集中在PC上,细分到手机终端上的阅读有星星之火的燎原之势。Current, read terminal to be centered on PC, fractionize arrives the situation of the reads the fire that has tiny spot set the prairie ablaze on mobile phone terminal.

呈燎原之势的煤田火灾,覆盖着3000多英里长的地域,据统计,每年它会烧两千万吨的煤,比德国一年的总产量还要多。Covering an area more than 3,000 miles long, China's northern coal fires are estimated to destroy as many as 20 million tons of coal per year, more than the entire annual production of Germany.

呈燎原之势的煤田火灾,覆盖着3000多英里长的地域,据统计,每年它会烧两千万吨的煤,比德国一年的总产量还要多。Covering an area more than 3, 000 miles long, China's northern coal fires are estimated to destroy as many as 20 million tons of coal per year, more than the entire annual production of Germany.