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干沙吸收水分。Dry sand absorbs water.

我的身体仍在把甘霖吸收。And still my body drank.

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植物吸收了水分。The plant drank moisture.

吸水纸吸收墨水。Blotting-paper takes up ink.

废弃墨水吸收器已满…The waste ink absorber is full.

同时,硬木吸收冲击震动的能力也更强。Hard wood is more shock absorbent.

我不能吸收这麽多生字。I cannot absorb so many new words.

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甘露醇口服吸收很少。Little oral absorption of mannitol.

她的大脑是否像海绵一样有强大的吸收力?Does she have a brain like a sponge?

在肾脏内糖被再吸收。Sugars are reabsorbed in the kidney.

某种食物易被吸收。Some kinds of food assimilate easily.

安静,吸收。Quietness and absorption bring the dew.

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超剂量照射人员中,最大累积吸收剂量为160.89拉德。The maximum load dosage was 160.89 rad.

毛巾吸收了洗脸池里的水。The towel absorbed water from the sink.

各组均有牙槽骨吸收。All groups had alveolar bone resorption.

油湿性岩石倾向于吸收油。Oil-wet rocks preferentially imbibe oil.

光合作用是吸收能量的过程。Photosynthesis is an endergonic process.

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而腹膜则会吸收这些液体。The peritoneum then reabsorbs the fluid.

他们将我们吸收为该俱乐部会员.They enrolled us as members of the club.

你感觉这书有什麽吸收力吗?。Do you feel any attraction for this book?