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但是更叫人不可思议的是我见到了尊师米拉。But it is still more marvelous to have met my venerated Master, Mila.

把尊师爱校、团结同学真正落实到行动中。The love of respecting teachers, schools, real unity of the students into action.

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同时,我们还要饮水思源,尊师感恩。At the same time, we have to drink from the source, respecting teachers, Thanksgiving.

尊师守纪,关心集体,品德优良,学习态度端正。Shouji respect, the collective interest, good moral character, learning the correct attitude.

武德以尊师重道、重义守信、立身正直、谦和仁爱为基本内容。The basic content of Wushu ethics includes respect of master, benevolence and righteousness and so on.

中国古代是否提倡尊师和是否普遍地尊师是两回事。In ancient China, it is different from promoting respect for teachers to respecting teachers generally.

怀着对尊师极其崇敬的心情,热穹在内心深处和骨髓里向尊师祈祷。Feeling extraordinary veneration for the Master, he prayed to him from the depths of his heart and from the very marrow of his bones.

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这反映了华文教育界尊师重道的传统依然根深蒂固。It shows that the tradition of "honouring the teacher and respecting his teaching" is still deeply ingrained among Chinese teachers here.

但由于尊师被不适当地推向极端,便造成了对重思的制约,有碍于创新思维的发展。However the improper stress on the respect for teachers has led to the restriction of meditation and hindered the development of creative thinking.

尊师爱生”即学生既要尊重教师,教师更要爱护学生。"Respect our teachers love our students, " means that not only students should respect the teachers, but also teachers have to care for their students.

在我梦中讲法的佛和听佛讲法的人,巴日玛和其他人都指示我应该请求尊师讲述他的故事。He who was teaching the Doctrine in my dream and those who listened to him, Bharima and the others, indicated that I should ask the Master for his story.

我国一向有“师道尊严”、“尊师重道”的传统,对于教师的作用与角色期待更是高,有“万世之师”之称的孔子以其诲人不倦、因材施教等高尚气节为教师作出了一个近乎“圣人”的定位。China has always had the tradition of showing great respect to the teachers and, accordingly, expects much more out of the role and action of the teachers, to the extent of a sage.

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这是对尊师重道这一优良传统的扭曲和误解,以致现在我国破冰前行的基础教育改革中,观念的转变成为最大的难点和突破点。This is told the fine tradition of distortion and misunderstanding, so that now through a our country elementary education reform, the idea of change as the biggest difficulty and breakthrough.

由于教育制度的变迁,目前教师传统身份正遭遇严峻的危机,甚至民间日常生活中的尊师习俗和传统也面临着“去根化”的危险。Today, the identity is under a severe crisis, because the educational institution is changing. Even the folk culture, as the basis of traditional teacher identity, is in danger of de-grass-rooted.

我们的社会必须继承并发扬尊师重道的精神,给承担教育重任的教师们应有的尊重和尊敬。Our society must carry on and further promote the spirit of respect for teachers to make sure that teachers who shoulder the heavy responsibility of teaching the young get the respect they deserve.