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那是你的先人同意的。It was your ancestors who joined.

古人能办的事-先人也能做。Whfound on man hjust asne-man can do.

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只有不断超越自我,方以先人一步。Only surmount oneself constantly can set the pace.

这种行为只会在日本葬礼作为供奉先人的习俗进行。This is only done as an offering at Japanese funerals.

古吉拉特的一位拉巴尼妇女拜谒先人的陵墓。ARabari woman in Gujarat visits the grave of an ancestor.

人们到先人的坟头上扫墓。People visit their ancestors' Graves to sweep away the dirt.

我们都是站在先人的文化土壤上发言。We are all standing on the cultural soil of their ancestors to speak.

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为什么就没有先人垒一道道土墙把它变成“平遥古城”?Why not base a Road ancestors wall to turn it into "ancient city of Pingyao?"

在电信市场,能否先人一步实施新标准起着决定性作用,而在互联网市场,起决定作用是谁先占领市场。In the telecom market, it's more about who implements some new standard first.

新加坡人都不愿继承先人的遗产吗?Are Singaporeans unwilling to accept what their ancestors have bequeathed them?

他受到的法律训练使得他有了先人一步的优势,很快,钱财就开始滚滚而来。His legal training gave him a head start and the money soon started rolling in.

清明节是扫墓拜祭先人的日子。The Qingming Festival in spring is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves.

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就连先人坟墓的风水也会影响你的生活。Even the feng shui of the tombs of your head ancestors will influence your life.

所以,即使在更为安全的,年老的车迷那,也有一种先人一步的意图。So, even among the safer, older group of fans, an intentional lead foot existed.

在此谢过所有的先人,人类的文明是靠他们积累起来的…So memorizing our forefathers, civilization of human beings is accumulated by them.

这也是为何数世纪以来,无数先人和移民者不顾一切艰险,排除万难,来到美国的原因。That’s why centuries of pioneers and immigrants have risked everything to come here.

早在先秦时期,我们的先人即已注意到了同义词问题。In the period of the early Qin Dynasty, people had already paid attention to synonyms.

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现今世上许多说书人认为,这一切是书上所记载的先人智慧。During the trips I previously mentioned, my sons and I carried a digital recorder with us.

谁否定先人的智慧,谁就会遭到正派人的冷落。And those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned by all decent people.

拿伯对亚哈说,我敬畏耶和华,万不敢将我先人留下的产业给你。But Naboth replied, 'The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers.'