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有喜乐才会产生盼望和力量。Having joy produces hope and strength.

人生有喜、有忧、有哭、有泪。Pregnant life, there is worry, cry, tears.

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没有谁的生活会永远单纯的只有喜或只有悲。No one can live in purely sad or happy life.

必须通过哀恸,才能有喜乐和欢愉。The road to joy and rejoicing is through mourning.

参加巡回比赛的法国橄榄球队成绩有喜有悲。There were mixed fortunes for French rugby teams on tour.

十二年,暮归,在田野问见田猎者,不觉有喜。Twelve years, evening, asked in the field see don't feel happy hunting.

从她的神态看,她肯定几个月前就有喜了。From the looks of her, she must have sprained her ankle some months ago.

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人生最后的课堂,囬顾一生,有喜,有悲,有起,有跌,而人生中最重要的是爱!Tuesday with Morrie--- an old man , a young man, and life's greatest lessons!

怎么听八福晋有喜了就不高兴了呢?How to hear to eight congratulating Jins in an interesting condition not happy?

我们党的现实信仰状况有喜也有忧。The status quo of our party′s conviction is as much satiafactory as challenging.

忍耐的人暂时容忍,最后必有喜乐的酬报。A patient man shall bear for a time, and afterwards joy shall be restored to him.

下午的会议由集团公司副董事长、总经理张有喜主持。Afternoon session by the group vice chairman and general manager Zhang Youxi over.

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作为左撇子,伴随着我们的有喜有悲,但是,我们中的一些人生来如此啊!Being left-handed comes with its ups and downs, but hey, some of us were born this way!

我的一生有喜有悲、有明有乱,但是我还没在工作中碰到过它们。In my life, there is darkness, chaos and drama, and I have yet to explore some of that in my work.

同煤集团副董事长、总经理张有喜主持新馆开馆揭牌仪式。Datong Coal Mine Group vice chairman, general manager Zhang Youxi over new museum opening ceremony.

9月9日下午,同煤集团副董事长、总经理张有喜主持召开总经理办公会。Sept. 9 pm, with the Coal vice chairman, general manager, general manager Zhang Youxi office will be hosted.

你们用编织成我们生命的有悲有喜的故事鼓励着我、感动着我。You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives.

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同煤集团副董事长、总经理张有喜参加会议并做经验介绍。Datong Coal Mine Group vice chairman, general manager Zhang Youxi attend the meeting and make their experiences.

多数网民认为这幅水墨画很可爱,也很有喜感,代表了中国传统的艺术风格。The ink painting was deemed "cute" by most web users, as it "looks joyful", and represents a traditional art style.

这样,在耶路撒冷大有喜乐,自从以色列王大卫儿子所罗门的时候,在耶路撒冷没有这样的喜乐。There was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the days of Solomon son of David king of Israel there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem.