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不对,是你呆。No, you’re a boob.

不对不对,同志!Nyet nyet comrade!

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但那肯定是不对的。That must be wrong.

不对,Weidle说。Wrong, says Weidle.

你睡过头了,对不对?You overslept, right?

洛杉矶居民,对不对Los Angeles residents?

不对,凭什么怪狗?No, why blame the dogs?

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什么都不对,我伤透了心.nothings right,i'm torn.

我坚持她是不对的。I insisted she was wrong.

不对,我说的是挂在那!NO, I mean hang it there!

我说道“不,那么说是不对的。No, I said, that’s wrong.

是摄氏三十度,对不对?。Sind das 30 Grad Celsius?

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我们没选罗根,也没选基斯,对不对?Did we choose Rogan? Keith?

在墙上乱写乱画是不对的。Don't scribble on the wall.

因为对不对都全无价值。It is all valueless anyway.

对不起,那是不对的。Sorry, that is not correct.

我以为你是不对的。I donat think you are right.

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你可以想象的对不对?It was computing the arctan.

不对,保护我们的是朋友。The game is never over jorn.

好,这样怎么样,对不对?Yeah, how about that, right?