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维多利亚女王自1837年到1901年在位。Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901.

据他们说,齐夫林在位五十六年。And Chephren they said reigned fifty and six years.

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不幸的是,他仍然在位并控制军队。Unfortunatelly he still there and controls the army.

现在形势和比兰德拉在位是不同了。The situation was different when Birendra was the king.

在位君主的母亲,先王的遗孀。A queen dowager who is mother of the reigning sovereign.

例如,一个问题就是,拉宾在位时间极短,便匆匆离开人世。One problem, for example, was that Rabin was in a hurry.

人家告诉我乔治五世在位的时间是1910-36,但我并不敢太确信。I'm told he reigned from 1910-36, but I wouldn't bet the farm.

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在位期间,她很快树立了强硬的“铁娘子”形象。In office she soon cultivated a tough image as "the Iron Lady".

而17世纪查尔斯一世在位的时候,也曾发动过腥风血雨的内战。Charles I's reign in the 17th century led to a bloody civil war.

这尊宝座是1736年至1795年在位的乾隆皇帝的。The throne belonged to Emperor Qianlong, who ruled from 1736-1795.

在这周四,旺楚克成为世界上最年轻的在位国王。Wangchuck on Thursday became the world's youngest reigning monarch.

这是你相对于已在位者的优势。That’s your advantage over the guys who are already sitting up there.

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他在位上停留的越久,我们可能看到的暴力也就越多。The longer he remains in office, the more violence we’re likely to see.

昭和天皇裕仁是日本历史上在位时间最长的天皇。The regime of Mikado Showa Hirohito is the longest in Japanese history.

总统们通常会因其在位时的赤字管理而饱受责难。Presidents are usually blamed for deficits run while they are in office.

意大利历史上在位时间第二的总理。The second longest-serving prime minister in the history of the country.

我说那粒花籽多半是查理一世在位的时候种下的。The seed, I said, must have been sown in the reign of Charles the First.

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一般来说,她在位期间前后一长段时间被称为“维多利亚时代”。In general, the period centred on her reign is known as the Victorian era.

嘉靖在位期间的决策不力还体现在其他战线。The same indecisiveness characterised the Chia-ching reign on other fronts.

亨利五世在位时建立了一种授予御准权的新机制。A new device for granting Assent was created during the reign of Henry VIII.