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你是一位高空飞行员吗?Are you a high flier?

飞行员发动飞机。The pilot goosed his craft.

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“跳火”,那个飞行员就是这么叫的。Flame out, the pilot calls it.

他觉得自己是个飞行员。He thought of himself as pilot.

你随时可当我的僚机飞行员。You can be my wingman any time.

一个男飞行员和一个女飞行员。A male pilot and a female pilot.

他自学而成为一名飞行员。He taught himself to be a pilot.

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如果你是个飞行员,那你就驾驶飞机。If you're a pilot you fly planes.

能成为一名空军女飞行员真的很光荣啊。It’s glorious to be a women pilot!

你们想要一个感情用事的飞行员么?Would you want an emotional pilot?

他以前是一个驾驶驱逐机的飞行员。He used to be a fighter plane pilot.

因为我很想当飞行员。because I really want to be a pilot.

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那位飞行员作了八次翻筋斗的飞行表演。The airman looped the loop eight times.

这个飞行员的眼力很好,能望得很远。The pilot has a good eye for distances.

一架飞机好不好关键看飞行员。An airplaneis only as good as its pilot.

美国空邮飞行员查尔斯林白。Charles Lindbergh, U. S. Air Mail pilot.

宇宙飞船里有五个飞行员。There are five spacemen in the spaceship.

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我们的特遣队的队长就是一名F-16飞行员。Our detachment commander is an F-16 pilot.

74岁的飞行员驾驶着这架p-51野马式战斗机。The 74-year-old was flying a P-51 Mustang.

受伤的飞行员生死未卜。The life of the wounded pilot is at stake.