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西班牙正在着手利用高科技手段解决水荒问题。Spain is turning hi-tech to solve its water woes.

一新的水权规范有望缓解中国西南干旱地区的水荒问题。A new scheme hopes to alleviate water poverty in an arid area of southwest China.

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那么,为了缓解水荒,减少由此而引起的冲突,我们为什么不多淡化些海水呢?So why don't we desalinate more to alleviate shortages and growing water conflicts?

全世界1/3的人们生活在江河流域,他们面临着水荒。Already, one-third of the world's people live in river basins where they face water scarcity.

水荒已经影响了拉帕斯和它的卫星城市埃尔阿托,从而促进了水源保护运动。Water scarcity has hit La Paz and its satellite city, El Alto, prompting conservation campaigns.

水荒在干旱地区的威胁日益严重,全球43个国家约7亿人面临水源紧张问题。Water scarcity had become more of a threat in arid regions, and about 700m people in 43 countries were facing water shortages.

而全球水荒又完全是另一回事,会冲击到全球粮食和其他作物的供给、并波及全球河川湖海。A global water crisis, which impinges on supplies of food and other goods, or affects rivers and lakes everywhere, is quite another.

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这对北京及其周边地区造成了严重的压力,由于河流和地下水的污染,这里的水荒变得更加严重。That has created severe pressure on Beijingand surrounding areas where water scarcity has been made worse by widespreadpollution of rivers and groundwater.

异常干旱的影响包括广泛的作物和牧草损失和水库、河流、水井缺水造成的水荒。Exceptional drought's impacts include widespread crop and pasture losses, as well as shortages of water in reservoirs, streams and wells, creating water emergencies.

多年来,中国一直力图解决水荒的问题,而专家认为这是全球变暖、干旱和北京千万人口需求激增造成的。For years, China continues to berjibaku with the problem of water shortage that experts say is caused by global warming, drought and soaring demand from tens of millions of people living in Beijing.