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而现在,每隔三差五的就买一套衣服。Now, each bought a set of clothes for Gesanchaiwu.

这就是为什么有些人会隔三差五吃一顿水煮鱼的缘故。This is why some people will from time to eat boiled fish's sake.

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孩子三天两头的生病,我就隔三差五的往医院里跑。The sick child every two or three days, I often run to the hospital.

于是,隔三差五,又一封家信带着深深的问候飞向父母手中。Thereupon, home letters are sent to my parents at intervals, with my deepest greetings.

你需要隔三差五地需要和哥们混在一起,会更爱你。We love you even more because you know we need to go out with the guys once in a while.

连一次都没有,因为担心出远门时隔三差五他们会期盼礼物。I wouldn't even do that once, for fear that they'd expect gifts every other time I went away.

如果你了解我们需要隔三差五地需要和哥们混在一起,我们会更爱你。Sometimes we wonder why any woman would want to be with us, much less someone as amazing as you.

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干吗他没法有个自己的女人,只能隔三差五搞搞这种破烂货?Why could he not have a woman of his own instead of these filthy scuffles at intervals of years?

事实是本地的工人隔三差五地举行罢工,从而导致工厂倒闭。The fact that local workers go on strike every other month has a lot to do with factories closing.

窗外一片迷茫的灰色,隔三差五的驶过几辆汽车,记忆再度被拾起,我的影子错鄂在这里。Out of the window of a confused gray, often by several cars, memory was again picked up, my shadow in here.

男人们隔三差五地来看看老婆孩子,他们一到来,小院里就会更加热闹起来,女人们似乎也更加精神起来。Men occasionally to have a look my wife and kids, they come, the yard will be more lively, women seem more up.

如果孩子学校的网站上有老师贴出的作业安排,你要有隔三差五就去浏览的习惯。If your school has a website where teachers list homework assignments, get in the habit of checking it regularly.

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几乎每个人隔三差五就会在吃这些食物的时候犯错误,现在是时候学习正确的吃法了。Almost EVERYBODY eats these foods wrong every single day. Well now it's time to learn how to consume them the right way.

但是前阵子服务器隔三差五地出问题,前两周还崩溃了一次,网站长达三天访问不了。A while back, the server problem, but in bursts, the first two weeks has collapsed once, can not access the site for three days.

隔三差五的觉得胸口闷,有气堵着,别的没症状,是什么情况阿?Lie between 3 difference of 5 feel wind is frowsty , gas is being blocked up, other do not have a symptom, what circumstance A be?

别过量食用水煮鱼,特别是那种隔三差五便要来一盆的“上瘾”者更要注意适可而止。Don't overdo boiled fish, especially those that from time to time, will come to a basin of "addictive" more should pay attention to those boundaries.

家乡的变化真快。以前,穿的衣服总是破了补,补了再穿。而现在,每隔三差五的就买一套衣服。Changes in home really fast. Previously, clothes are always broken supplement and complement the Zaichuan. Now, each bought a set of clothes for Gesanchaiwu.