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你体重过重了。You are over weight.

何谓体重过重和肥胖症?What is overweight and obesity?

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身体过重会影响身体健康。Being over-weight causes health problems.

而弟弟因伤势过重不治身亡。The younger brother died of his injuries.

东星航空公司因负债过重宣布破产。Debt-laden East Star Airlines goes bankrupt.

学生家庭作业负担过重。Students are heavily burdened with home assignments.

体重过重所带来的健康后果是什么?What are the health consequences of being overweight?

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峩将県能失去你,因为你对峩来说太过重葽。I can't lose you, because you are too important for me.

这位击球员击球过重把球棒都打断了。The hitter swatted the ball so hard that the bat broke.

过重的头号敌人,谁的化身不健康的饮食。An over-weight arch enemy who personifies unhealthy eating.

过重和过多的交通附于这种材料商能损毁它。Too much weight and travel over the material can damage it.

图十三,体重控制前后测过重学童仰卧起坐次数之比较。Fig. 13. Effect of body-weight regulation on Sit-up test in.

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体重过重或身体肥胖对健康具有严重影响。Being overweight or obese can have a serious impact on health.

图一,体重控制前后对于过重学童身体质量指数的影响。Fig. 1. Effect of body-weight regulation on BMI of overweight.

学生课业负担仍然过重,是当前不容回避的问题。It cannot be overlooked now that students are still overburdened.

包括赵某儿子在内的一些人认为这一处罚过重。Some, including Zhao's son, believe the punishment was too harsh.

学生课业负担过重,有损视力。Students are overloaded with studies, and their eyesight suffers.

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那母马因负载过重而倒在路上.The mare foundered under the heavy load and collapsed in the road.

飞行员跳伞逃生,但据报道由于伤势过重死亡。The pilot ejected, but was reported to have died from his injuries.

他可能过重,不过,公平地说,他有一张漂亮的脸蛋。He may be overweight, but, to do him justice, he has a handsome face.