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你好好吃行不行?。Will you pleasse eat?

生鱼好吃吗?。Is raw fish good eating?

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这个苹果很好吃。This apple is very nice.

芭乐,芭乐,真好吃。Guava guava, good to eat.

芭乐,芭乐,好好吃。Guava, guava, good to eat.

挺好吃的,你赶紧尝尝。They taste good, try some.

我吃鱼。真好吃!I have fish. Yummy ! Yummy!

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羊排非常好吃。Mutton chops taste so good.

这面包尝起来挺好吃的。The bread tastes delicious.

这里的鱼真好吃。The fish here is delicious.

挺好吃的,快来尝尝。There taste good, try some.

炒香肠是好吃!Sauted sausage is delicious!

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这西瓜皮也不好吃呀!This peel is no good at all!

提拉米苏是一种很好吃的甜点。Tiramisu is a tasty dessert.

学会怎么做好吃的意大利面豆浓汤。How to make good Pasta Fazul.

好吃好吃,我爱早饭。Yami yami , I love breakfast.

我会做超好吃的意大利饭。I'll just make a nice risotto.

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天气这么干旱,没有好吃的蛋。No good eggs with this drouth.

为什么巧克力好吃?Why does chocolate taste good?

我喜欢肉丸子.他们是好吃的。I like meatballs.They're tasty.