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他努力字斟句酌地回答。He struggled to formulate an answer.

他的回答是经过字斟句酌的。His reply was given in measured phrases.

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巴兹尔爵士字斟句酌地说出最后一句话。Sir. basil was composing his last words.

如果认真阅读,字斟句酌,书籍亦能发挥导师的作用,也能像导师一样改变你的人生。Books can change your life, as mentors do.

咱们家的人跟威尔克斯家的人不一样,"他字斟句酌地慢慢说。"“Our people and the Wilkes are different,” he went on slowly, fumbling for words.

咱们家的人跟威尔克斯家的人不一样,"他字斟句酌地慢慢说。"“Our people and the Wilkes are different, ” he went on slowly, fumbling for words.

要说就干脆说得一清二楚,说出前每句话要字斟句酌。Speak clearly if you speak along with hasl. Carve every word prior to let it fhasl.

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但身居高位,通常没有时间在做出决定前字斟句酌。But in the top job there simply isn't time to read every dot and comma before taking a decision.

而且合同字斟句酌,表明公司仅仅提供相关未公布机会的引导。It is also carefully worded to say that the company merely provides leads to unpublished openings.

报价并不具有法律约束力,尽管它也像实盘那样用某些字斟句酌的语言。A quotation in not legally binding thought it contains some qualifying words which function as firm offer do.

不然你只好面带最甜美的微笑,拍一下冒犯他人者的肩膀,然后字斟句酌地试试Otherwise, put on your sweetest smile, tap the offender on the shoulder, and try one of these carefully worded lines

反之,至少那些表面上对我的话题表示出了兴趣,甚至字斟句酌的人,是能让人心情畅快的。I'm more likely to think well of the person who hung on my every word, or at least seemed interested in what I was saying.

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舒尔曼在此书中字斟句酌,不仅一步一步把他破碎的故事拼接起来,而且在此过程中始终在与自己的内心搏斗。Shulman carefully spells out not only the steps he took to piece together his story, but also the reluctance he battled en route.

将语言保持在PG-13左右的范围。没有人想要因为某些特殊的话语而大发脾气,但是也没有必要字斟句酌地输入。Keep the language about PG-13. Nobody's going to throw a fit with some occasional language, but there's no need to type like a sailor.

广博的专业背景、字斟句酌的严谨作风以及不怕吃苦的拼搏精神,一定能使我成为一个出色的翻译!Extensive professional background, precise words-weighing style and the spirit of hard struggle will surely make me an excellent interpreter!

在礼拜堂,拜登先生讲了谦虚的重要,我字斟句酌地想发现不上课的暗示,却一句也没有。At chapel, Mr. Byden spoke about the importance of humility, and I scrutinized his expression for a sign that there would be no classes. He did not give one.

人们露出悲哀的样子,令人难以忍受。似乎是死亡的气息把他们引来的。他们穿着宽松舒适的衣服,说话字斟句酌,十分谨慎,最后仍然露出险恶的用心。Men with an intolerable air of condolence have appeared, as though drawn by the smell of death, dressed comfortably, speaking a manipulated tongue, terminally evil.

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麦肯德里克说,如果要仔细研读字迹小而模糊的古希腊文本,对着数百页羊皮纸字斟句酌,那么在伦敦可能要花不少钱。McKendrick said that London could be an expensive place to spend time poring over the Greek texts' tiny, faded script or picking through hundreds of pages of parchment.

没有任何一位英国小说家在句式,选词和造句上能够达到向奥斯汀那样字斟句酌,巧妙地使用标点。The reputation of no other English novelist rests so firmly on this issue of style, on the poise and emphasis of sentence and phrase, captured in precisely weighed punctuation.

我发现,和姜谈话其实就像在与一个匠意打磨的珠宝商聊天,他字斟句酌,只有找到恰当的措辞才肯继续说话。To have a conversation with Chiang, I'm finding, is to speak with a man who weighs every word as carefully as a jeweler, and who isn't afraid to pause until he's found the right one.