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他们告戒我不要迟到。They warned me not to be late.

但是,陈冯富珍告戒人们不要自满。But, she warned against complacency.

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也曾不断地告戒自己。Once constantly warned oneself as well.

他们告戒他不要在那条河里游泳。They warned him against swimming in river.

医生告戒简应该多锻炼身体。The doctor advised Jane should practise more.

告戒我们结盟的危害。Thomas Jefferson warned of entangling alliances.

让呼吸平静下来,轻轻告戒自己放松心情。Try breathing easily and gently tell yourself to relax.

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列举条目的性质总在告戒我们建立和记下目标。Lists of this nature almost always tell you to set and write goals.

要私下告戒朋友,但是要公开夸奖朋友。Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. ---- Syrus.

但是她告戒说,普通人能获得这种治疗仍然是个遥远的目标。But, she cautioned universal access to this treatment is still a distant goal.

北岛告戒人们要警惕如此「万物正重新命名」的稳妥。Kitajima caution people to guard against such an "all things being re-named" sound.

除此而外,他们还受到告戒,对他们进行了拍照。In addition, they were advised and counselled, and they had photographs taken of them.

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1991年八月那次发生在他家附近的交通事故已经告戒了他。He had been ADMONISHED over the incident , which happened in August 1991 near his home.

因而古人谆谆告戒我们,千万不要冒傻“气”。Consequently the ancients earnestly and tirelessly announces drop we, must not risk foolish " gas ".

保罗也告戒他们要警惕假师傅并且劝勉他们要以合一谦让的心彼此相交。Paul also wanted to warn them against false teachers and urge them to greater unity among themselves.

小心点,“她屏着气告戒,”至少海伦姨妈要猜忌而且也会对你说些什么的。“"Careful, " she cautioned under her breath, "lest Aunt Helen suspect and say something to you as well.

斯特劳斯。卡恩告戒说,粮食问题会引发更多的骚乱,他表示局势非常严峻。Strauss-Kahn warned there would be more food riots to come, characterizing the situation as very serious.

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保罗为此写信给歌罗西的信徒们,告戒他们要力拒危害纯正信仰根基的无益的争论和虚假的异端教训。Paul wrote to warn about the subtle arguments and false teachings that threatened to undermine the Colossian 's faith.

1968年,LACAN在巴黎面临着一群学生的滋扰的时候,告戒他们“你们需要一个上帝,你们应该要有一个上帝。”In 1968 Lacan, upon being confronted with a student mob in Paris, told them "you need a father, and you shall have one."

同时我被告戒我所能做的最好回报就是把我那微薄的能力热情地贡献于他们,造福他们。it admonishes me that the best return I can make is the zealous dedication of my humble abilities to their service and their good.