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然后事情一发不可收拾了。And things got out of hand.

这种情况就如滔滔江水,一发不可收拾。It just flows, like a river in flood.

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很好吃不可收拾或榨汁。Good for eating out of hand or juicing.

适合榨汁吃一发不可收拾了。Suitable for juicing and eating out of hand.

很好吃不可收拾,为优秀的榨汁。Good for eating out of hand, excellent for juicing.

因为管理不善,他的生意搞得一塌胡涂,不可收拾。Because of mismanagement, his business has gone to hell.

自此喜欢上了网络并一发不可收拾。Liked to go up from this the network sends irremediable.

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十一月二十二日,圣加百利山上的火势一发不可收拾。On November 22 the fire in the San Gabriels was out of control.

自上而下的歧视如洪水猛兽,一发不可收拾。Top-down discrimination, such as a scourge, was out of control.

那我们就赶紧吧,让我们在事情变得不可收拾之前赶紧把它收拾好。So let's hurry up. Let's fix things before they become unfixable.

第一次的敬畏感克服之后,我感到一发不可收拾。The first feeling of awe once overcome there was no holding me back.

但是当他吸食海洛因上瘾之后事情变得一副不可收拾。Things spiraled out of control when the singer got addicted to heroin.

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扭曲的性观念使扭曲的性行为一发而不可收拾。Screwy sexual idea makes screwy sexual behavior is sent and irremediable.

众生共业,灾难若发生,真的就不可收拾了。With collective karma, when disaster occurs, the result will be devastating.

在这个问题变得不可收拾之前,他想到一个方法阻止。Become in this problem before irremediable, he thinks of a method to prevent.

但是如果白人的愤怒真的一发而不可收拾,这才是真的恐怖。But the damage angry whites could inflict if they really go off—that's scary.

举例来说,如果您购买的擦手纸,你将一发不可收拾,它在两,三天。For example, if you buy paper towel, you will run out of it in two or three days.

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最近章子怡的“捐款门”事件在网上炒得沸沸扬扬,一发不可收拾。These days the Donation Affairs about Zhang Ziyi has been heatedly debated online.

国家有此一群虎狼,无怪乎国事不可收拾。With such a pack of wolves running wild, no wonder the country's affairs are in chaos.

哈里王子更是一发不可收拾,捂住脸,狂笑起来。后面还有,太长,略掉了。Harry even had to cover his face and duck out of view to hide his uncontrolled guffaws.