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君坐妾之侧,英姿勃发。You sat by my side, cool and killing.

君坐妾之侧,长发束于脑后,英姿勃发。You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing.

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李科长发烧了,李英姿带着他去了医院。Section li had a fever and gloria li took him to the hospital.

激励着表演者展示骑手的英姿,自由发挥,尽情欢舞。Performers can fully demonstrate their valor and heroic spirit.

人们只看到了你,孤剑长舞的英姿。People come in sight of you, the sword the English of the long dance.

冬季,在铁擂堡和蓝派瑞雪等滑雪场上一展英姿。In winter, carve up the snow at fields such as Thredbo and Perisher Blue.

雄伟长城的英姿使外国游客感动不已。The foreign tourists were moved by the magnificent view of the Great Wall.

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而李母见李科长的工作不错,就想要让李英姿和李科长在一起。And lee mother see section lis work is good, just want to gloria li with section li.

他为他新的角色彻底而严格的工作。我们多麽期待看到作为国王的勇样英姿。His thorough work for his new role is very strict. We long to see Yon-sama as a king.

周武为了不让李英姿的名誉被毁了,就许诺娶李英姿。Tempo, in order not to let gloria li reputation destroyed, promised to marry gloria li.

但此时的螃蟹依然包裹在石头里尚不得见其英姿及风情。However, the crabs are still wrapped in rock still not reflected in heroic and lifestyles.

我们相携逸入另一个音乐的世界,你坐我身旁,长发拢于肩后,英姿勃发。We fled into another world of band. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing.

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坐在一旁的唐明皇再也按捺不住心中的激动,冲到他们中间,在举手投足间一展帝王英姿。Emperor Tang, who is sitting aside, can not restrain his jealousy and join them to display his heroic bearing.

李爷爷说周武耽误李英姿,周武说等三年之后,如果他们还相互喜欢就在一起。Tempo, grandpa said tempo, delay gloria li li said that after three years, if they still love each other together.

通过手臂、肩部以及上身的动态,展现骑手的英姿,刻划各种马的形象。By arm, shoulder and body movements, they reveal valiant and heroic bearing of horse riders and various horse images.

莉亚公主挥舞着光之剑守护银河,她的双髻发型以及坚定挺拔的双眉让她英姿勃发。In this game, Leia wields a blaster, her bun hairdo, and one very determined pair of eyebrows, to help save the galaxy.

周武告诉李英姿他是不会同意和她结婚的,但是,李英姿就威胁他如果不和她结婚就跳井。Tempo, gloria li told him he will not agree to marry her, but, gloria li is threatened if he didnt marry her jump well.

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纵观墨尔本上的莎拉波娃,我们没有理由否认她不会再展2008英姿。Sharapova performs well in Melbourne and there’s no reason she can’t return to the form that won the title there in 2008.

难忘的故事我们一起分享,现实中的磨难我们一起承担,我们用心灵撑起一盏灯,英姿聚集,彼此导航。We share the story unforgettable and hardship in reality. We prop up the light with our soul to lead our youth each other.

这种浪漫主义手法烘托了骏马矫健的英姿和风驰电掣的神情,给人们丰富的想象力和感染力。The romantic image of the swallow sets off the power and strength of the horse, providing a rich imaginative experience for viewers.