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惶恐不安是通向未来的一个无用向导。Fear is a poor guide to the future.

他知道自己时日不多了,而感到惶恐不安。He knew the end was coming, and he was unsure.

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小偷在警察的逼视下显得惶恐不安。The thief withered under the stare of the policeman.

凯瑟琳挂了电话,她有一种突如其来的惶恐不安的感觉。As Katherine hung up, she felt an unexpected twinge of trepidation.

每一件事汇集到一起,预示着一个惊天的秘密,让人惶恐不安。Everything is brought together into a disturbing foreshadow of dreadful secrets.

那时并没有感到惶恐不安,她说道,但“现在回头一想,我简直无法相信。It didn't feel precarious at the time, she says, but "I can't believe it, looking back!

马利亚思前想后,都不明白这句话的意思,就惶恐不安。Mary was very upset because of his words. She wondered what kind of greeting this could be.

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李小月与梁楚韵很少上战场,两人已被炮声吓得惶恐不安。Li Xiaoyue and Liang Chuyun rarely on the battlefield, two people have been guns frighten panic.

而教会女多男少的窘境,更让姐妹对婚姻惶恐不安。The church women outnumbering men in a small dilemma has kept and sisters live in fear of marriage.

我们一直在向观众报道开罗的紧张焦虑氛围,邻里间惶恐不安。Arwa, we've been telling our viewers about the state of anxiety there in Cairo, in many neighborhoods.

时代正处于颠峰,而最迷人的桂冠诗人却如一头新生小马驹般踉踉跄跄、惶恐不安。The period was at her highest, but the poet laureate just as stumble and terrified as a newborn little pony.

“阿尔贝,”波尚带着一种使阿尔贝惶恐不安的忧郁神色说,“让我们先坐下来再谈吧。”Albert, " said Beauchamp, with a look of sorrow which stupefied the young man, "let us first sit down and talk.

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退休制度之改变需在确定后再宣布,以避免教师惶恐不安。The change of retirement system should be announced after the system was confirmative to avoid teachers' panic.

全球市场本已惶恐不安,中美双方明显都不想再雪上加霜。Both Biden and his Chinese hosts showed they want to avoid unnerving blow-ups with global markets already spooked.

在一个偏远的卡车集运站里,他们让一个惶恐不安的旅行者上了车。前进了一小段路程之后,这个旅行者强迫大家停车。At a remote truck stop they pick up an anxious hitchhiker who only after a short ride demands they stop the vehicle.

“理发”的标准不一而足,但大多都在债务总值的三分之一到二分之一以内,这也是本周气氛惶恐不安的原因。Haircuts range widely but are typically between a third and a half of the value of debts. Hence this week’s jitters.

整个市中心区有著一种高傲的神气,好像故意要让一些前来寻找职业的普通人感到惶恐不安。The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.

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会在演讲中感到惶恐不安,并出现脸红、出汗、心跳加快、说话结巴和手足无措等现象。In his speech will feel fear, and there blush, sweat, and speed up the heart, said Jiba and phenomena such as a loss.

他也提到这丝毫不意味着团队应该为此惶恐不安,他们应该确定哪些实践可以很好的发挥作用,哪些不能。He also suggests that this in no way means that the team should start panicking, they should identify what is working well and what is not.

俄国认为他有资格对欧洲边缘地区的实行现代影响范围的争论,对欧盟和其它地区产生了惶恐不安。Russia's contention that it is entitled to a modern sphere of influence on the fringes of Europe has caused consternation in the EU and elsewhere.