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按此看红景天花饮片图。See the picture dry flowers here.

按此看合欢皮饮片图。Click here to see picture of herb.

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预计饮片有效期为两年。We anticipate the validity time as two years.

中药饮片5600余种规格。Chinese Herbal Medicine 5600 kinds of specifications.

探索有效鉴别出中药赤芍饮片中地榆混伪品的方法。To effectively identify fake burner in red peony medicinal slices.

探索有效鉴别出中药赤芍饮片中地榆混伪品的方法。To effectively identify fake burnet in red peony medicinal slices.

目的建立三棱饮片质量标准。ObjectiveTo build up the quality standard of Sparganium stoloniferum.

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目的建立决明子饮片的HPLC指纹图谱鉴定方法。Objective To establish HPLC fingerprint for the identification of Semen Cassiae.

目的优化山茱萸饮片蒸萸肉和酒萸肉的炮制工艺。Objective To optimize the processing technology of decoction pieces of Fructus Corni.

目的建立木香饮片挥发油指纹图谱。Objective To establish the fingerprints for the volatile oil of Aucklandia lappa Decne.

目的制定穿心莲饮片的质量标准。Objective To establish the quality standard of decoction pieces of Herba Andrographitis.

炮制加工对茯苓饮片的化学成分有一定的影响。Processing methods have certain influence on chemical constituents in Poria cocos herbs.

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零售化学制剂、抗生素、中成药、中药饮片。Retail chemicals , antibiotics , proprietary chinese medicine , chinese medicine yinpian.

目的建立甘草水制广地龙饮片的质量标准。Objective To establish a quality standard for the liquorice processed Pheretima aspegillum.

方法准确可靠,重现性好,可作为大黄饮片内在质量评价的依据。The method is reliable, accurate and can be used for quality control of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei.

结论该法准确简便,可作为控制山茱萸饮片内在质量的有效手段。Conclusion The method is accurate, simple, and suitable to the quality control of Corni Fructus.

结论优选出的最佳炮制工艺对天麻饮片的生产具有一定指导作用。ConclusionThe optimized procedure will provide the guidance for the production of Rhizoma Gastrodiae.

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秦皮饮片炮制过程中,“洗净,润透”过程对香豆素类成分影响较大。In the process of cutting up, "washing clean"and"moistening"influenced for the contents of coumarins.

为制订白附子饮片质量标准,控制饮片质量提供了较客观的科学资料。Some specifications to control the quality of the Rhizoma Typhonii praeparatum have been established.

目的建立泽泻饮片甲醇提取液的高效液相指纹图谱,为其鉴别提供依据。Objective A fingerprint of Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalitis'decoction pieces was established by HPLC- ELSD.