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不但无过,而且还是有功的。Not only never, but also meritorious.

你对好的工人应有功必赏。You should give a good worker his due.

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他因为有功而获得一枚奖章。He was ____ a medal as a for his service.

这些战士有功于他们的国家。These soldiers deserved well of their country.

注入有功功率及无功功率为零的节点。Node with zero input active and reactive power.

法义殊胜、有功德、已善为解说。Superior, through having such virtues as being well-expounded.

卡洛琳是位扶轮基金会有功服务奖受奖人。Carolyn is a recipient of the Citation for Meritorious Service.

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你要加入哪个教会家庭作一个有功用的成员?To which church family will you be joined as a functioning member?

这几位大臣因护驾有功而得到晋升。These ministers got promoted because of their merits in guarding the Emperor.

提出了有功、无功联合网损分摊和支路潮流分解的理论基础。The theory of MVA loss allocation and branch power flow allocation is proposed.

反击地产泡沫论罗奇和谢国忠错误预测有功吗?Kevin and counter real estate bubble theory Xieguozhong wrong forecast meritorious ?

南园也是扶轮基金会有功服务奖的得奖人。Minamisono is a recipient of The Rotary Foundation's Citation for Meritorious Service.

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夏代在朝廷上奖励有功的人,是为了鼓励好人。In Xia Dynasty, the rulers bestowed rewards in court in order to make eminent the good.

简化计算的时候,无功功率和有功功率的同时系数可以取同一个值。To simples calculate, the factor of active power and reactive power can be the same one.

提出了一个综合多个目标的日有功负荷分配集中优化模型。A new multi- objective fuzzy optimization model for daily active power dispatch is proposed.

因此直流功率可以作为临界面方程的一个有功功率变量。So DC power can be considered as a active power variable of the critical hyper-plane function.

介绍了一种基于有功能量平衡原理的并联型有源滤波器的控制方法。A simple control method of shunt active power filter, based on the active power balance theory.

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语言是一种工具,和其他工具一样有功能“Language of this source is a device, and in relation to other devices it's called a "function."

和传统系统相比,系统对有功功率跟踪速度快、无超调。This system realizes active power and reactive power decoupling and maximal wind power tracking.

是非以不辩为解脱,烦恼以忍辱为智慧,办事以尽力为有功。Is not to argue, trouble for relief to endure the shame for wisdom, to try to work for education.