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不许动!否则我开枪了!Freeze or I 'll shoot!

否则,登录失败。Otherwise, login fails.

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快点,否则我们要迟到了。Make on or we'll be late.

要否则,你就会孓然一身,孤傲死去!Or you're gonna die alone!

否则,跳过这步。Otherwise, skip this step.

快点儿,否则我们会迟到的。Hurry up, or we'll be late.

快开门,否则我们会硬闯进去。Open up. Or we'll break in.

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咱们否则玩真的。We werent playing for real.

否则也可能有效。Otherwise it could be valid.

否则汝必后悔!Otherwise, you swill regret.

快走,否则你将太迟了。Scoot , or you will be late.

否则,它们会被取消。Otherwise, they are canceled.

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否则,那船没准会沉。Otherwise the boat might sink.

否则,它不能是空的。Otherwise, it cannot be empty.

否则,二者是等效的。Otherwise, they are equivalent.

否则就是背离家庭。That is deserting one's family.

否则你又将会失去一个读者。Or else you’ll lose that reader.

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追上它抓住它,否则就永远失去了它。Overtake it or miss it for ever.

卡莱蒙说道“否则,很容易迷失。”Otherwise, it's easy to get lost.

否则,他们不会改进的。Otherwise, they will not improve.