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玻纤复丝经编针织物的用途。End uses of warp knitted fabrics from glass filament.

双钩针织物缝创造更多更快。The double crochet stitch creates more fabric faster.

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本文叙述了亚氯酸钠对纯棉针织物漂白的特点。Features of sodium chlorite bleaching for cotton knits are described.

本论文旨在采用汽蒸的方法减小纬平针织物的纵行歪斜程度。This thesis will try to decrease spirality by using steaming process.

此外,也对针织物的芯吸规律进行了一些探讨。However, the wicking law of fabrics is quite different from capillary.

我们要采购针织物,织物,声音和录象机产品。We want to buy Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics, Audio and Video Products.

纯棉针织物活性染料染色工艺的设计是一项周密严谨的工作。To design all cotton knitted fabric dyeing technology is a careful work.

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网眼薄纱及其他网眼织物,但不包括机织物,针织物或钩编织物收藏。Tulles & other net fabrics, not incl woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics.

以紧身内衣为例定义了针织物的弹性纱线织疵。In the example of tights, elastane defects in knitted fabrics are defined.

用于毛针织物及其它织物不受压力情况下的起球试验。Used for testing pilling of wool knitted fabric and other fabrics under no pressure.

采购产品提花机,编织,衬里,版,人造丝,斜纹棉布针织物和编织织物。Jacquards , Knits, Linings, Prints, Rayon, Strh, Synthetics Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics.

她的新生产线将成为科尔的独家,将基本上是牛仔裤和针织物。Her new line will be exclusive to Kohl's and will have wardrobe basics like jeans and knits.

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分散翠蓝BGN染纯涤纶针织物时,极易产生色渍。Using disperse turquoise blue BGN for dyeing polyester knitted fabric often causes color stain.

并经试验证实其合理性,在一定程度上为减少针织物的起拱变形提供了方法。The theoretical method is proposed to lower bagging deformation in kitted fabric to some extent.

我们要采购针织物和编织织物,衬衫,腰带。We want to buy Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics , Shirts , Belts Suspender , Dress Shirts , Neckwear.

用于测定针织物、机织物、非织造布、复合织物及由其他工艺制造的各种织物的顶破强力。Used for testing the bursting strength of knitted , nonwoven , compound fabric and all other fabric.

我们要采购提花机,编织,衬里,版,人造丝,斜纹棉布针织物和编织织物。We want to buy Jacquards , Knits, Linings, Prints, Rayon, Strh, Synthetics Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics.

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针织物活性染料印花对印坯的前处理要求较高,如煮练匀透,去碱净,毛效高。Knitted goods for reactive printing need even scouring, complete alkali removal and high capillary effect.

重点介绍了蛹蛋白粘胶长丝针织物的精练、染色及后整理加工工艺。The scouring, dyeing and finishing process of the pupa protein rayon filament knitted fabric are introduced.

我们要采购衬衫,裙子,洋装,裤子,夹克,针织物,套头衫针织物。We want to buy Shirts, Skirts, Dresses, Trousers, Jackets, Knitwear, Pullovers Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics.