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另一个变通的办法是什么?。What's the second alternative?

幸运的是,有一个变通方法。Fortunately, there's a work-around.

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不要遵守不变通的党纲。Don't follow the rigid party program.

尼伯格告诉学生们要学会变通。Nyberg tells students to be flexible.

对此有许多事需要我们加以变通。That is something we would be flexible about.

不过,变通的办法不难找到。Workarounds shouldn't be hard to find, though.

畦灌的几种变通方式已经被设想出来了。Several variations of border irrigation have been devised.

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对于在工作中碰到的每个问题,我总能找到一个变通的办法。I could find one for every issue that popped up in my work.

我想这恐怕是一个我们双方都能接受的变通办法。I think that could be an acceptable alternative for both of us.

阿卡纳表示,直接上司通常都更容易变通。The hiring manager is more likely to be flexible, says Mr. Akana.

变通一下说法,可以改变句子的措辞,使用复数名词。Alternatively, the sentence can be rephrased, using a plural noun.

征兵对身体条件的要求虽然很高,但对那些决心很大的应征者来说,变通的办法有的是。Determined applicants found ways around the physical requirements.

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这项规定可能会给交谈增加困难,但有变通的办法。This rule can complicate a conversation, but there are workarounds.

我在准备写一个变通方法时意识到它也无法工作。I was going to write my workaround and I realized that It does not work.

很多小公司采用一种变通的办法,就是购置微处理机。There is an alternative which many small firms take. They buy microprocessors.

它不过是在封建礼教基础上作出了有限的变通而已。It only made limitedly adaptation in the foundation of feudal ethics and rites.

面对这样的情况,应当用变通的方式做出处理。Faced with this situation, alternative methods should be used to make treatment.

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重视人才,善于开拓,敢于变通,勇于实践构成了吴文化极为可贵的精神资源。The views on politics consisted of the valuable spiritual resources of Wu culture.

选择、判断、简答、案例以及论述都可以互相的变通。Choice, judgement, brief answer, case and it is OK to discuss commutative flexible.

这种变通办法对于我的例子是适用的,但是也提出了现实中存在的一个有趣的问题。That workaround suited my example, but it poses an interesting question in real life.