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如果人家要求你走一里路,那么你自觉自愿地多走一里。When one is asked to go one mile, one should willingly to two.

学习是自觉自愿的行为。Learning is a behavior which calls for readiness and willingness.

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爱国行为是自觉自愿的、具有利他性的、具体的社会行为。The patriotic act is an altruistic and volitional behavior in the society.

如果团队合作是出于自觉自愿时,它必将会产生一股强大而且持久的力量。If the team is out of be willing, it will have a powerful and lasting force.

世界上最不可思议的莫过于我们自觉自愿地做错误的事情。The most strange thing in the world is you are consciously doing wrong things.

我国的知识分子绝大多数是自觉自愿地为社会主义服务的。The overwhelming majority of our intellectuals serve socialism of their own volition.

采取多种形式和方法,让学生产生“我要写”的自觉自愿的要求。To adopt kinds of forms and ways makes students produce I-wanna-write conscious requirement.

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当前形势下也不能指望所有驾驶员都能自觉自愿地做到酒后不开车。Under the current situation, we can not expect all drivers do not drive after drunk voluntarily.

令人们相信环保合作缔造和平有益无害将促使人们更自觉自愿对这些项目进行投资。Identifying credible peacemaking spin-offs may make people more willing to invest in these projects.

那些有病不治疗、不吃药的练习者,似乎都是“自觉自愿”的。It seems to be their voluntary behavior for those Falun Gong practitioners to refuse to have medical treatment.

我们必须正确地实行礼仪,而且要诚心诚意地、自觉自愿地实行。We must execute the etiquettes exactly in the correct way, but also with perfect sincerity and perfect spontaneity.

我们有幸生活在那些自觉自愿地播撒自由的人们中间,而自由是和平与正义的基础。We have been privileged to live amongst those who have volunteered to spread the foundation of peace and justice, which is freedom.

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不论如何中国并不会自觉自愿地放弃这些和世界多国的巨额贸易。Afterall China is NOT going to voluntarily give up this enormous trade advantage that it enjoys with so many countries in the world.

开源软件依赖自觉自愿的程序员所组成的社群,他们修补或者编写一些程序,然后免费公布出来。Open source software relies on a community of volunteer developers who tinker on, write for, or amend a program, then give it away free.

结果表明,南京市青年多数不存在明显的生育性别偏好,少生晚生已成为其自觉自愿的选择。It's suggested that there is no significant sex preference and it's accepted by most young generation in Nanjing to give birth both late and less.

网络利他行为是指人们在网络环境中表现出来的有利于他人和社会、且不期望得到任何回报的自觉自愿行为。Internet altruistic behavior refers to the voluntary behavior on the internet which benefit other people and the society and not expect any return.

然而,这些貌似“自觉自愿”的行为,实质上是受到李洪志及其“法轮大法”的精神控制而失去自我意识的表现。Their voluntary behaviors, however, were a manifestation of their losing of self-awareness due to the spiritual control of Li Hongzhi and his "Falun Dafa".

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对于影片中的情侣,没有好莱坞式的结局,只有对他们所选择的命运自觉自愿的接纳、承受与效忠。There is no Hollywood happy endings for these couples, only acceptance of the fates they have consciously and willingly chosen and committed themselves to.

考虑到马耳他是个小国家,加之来到该国的难民中大多都是为了逃离利比亚战争的实际情况,欧盟各国将会在自觉自愿的原则上协助马耳他安顿难民。Malta would be helped on a voluntary basis in resettling boat people, given its small size and the fact that most of its newcomers are people fleeing war in Libya.

有些学校片面强调开展群体活动就是靠学生自觉自愿,忽视了对群体活动的行政管理和思想教育工作。Some schools put undue emphasis on the students' voluntariness in developing the mass sports activities, ignoring the important role of administration and education.