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另外嘴唇当然要向内聚拢。And the lips, of course, come in.

整个部族的人都聚拢过来,把他们俩围成一圈。The entire clan crowds around them in a circle.

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观察者被思维聚拢在一起,作为过去。The observer is put together by thought as the past.

在拥挤的电梯里我们聚拢在一起。We are all bunched together in the crowded elevator.

众人把青蛙聚拢成堆、遍地就都腥臭。They were piled into heaps, and the land reeked of them.

那些聚拢在苏格拉底身边的上等雅典年轻人。The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates.

另一些人聚拢在一起,准备再来一次潮汐池远征。Others were gathering a second expedition to the tide pools.

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农民们聚拢在他的周围,将钱扔进罐中。The peasants crowded around him and dropped pennies into his cup.

然后,用耙子把叶子聚拢到一起时发出了叶子碰撞声。Then the swish of leaves colliding as my rake herded them together.

毫无疑问。你看看向这边聚拢的黑云就知道了。There is no doubt about it. Look at those black clouds coming this way.

老师离开教室后孩子们又聚拢在一起。The children rabbited together again when the teacher left the classroom.

他像一条聚拢屹立在世界东方,从地图上看,又像一只昂首报晓的雄鸡。She is a large dragon in the east. She looks like a great cock on the map.

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全球化的力量将世界前所未有地聚拢在一起。The forces of globalization have drawn the world together as never before.

现代鸟类羽毛由成千上万束靠细钩聚拢在一起的纤维构成。Modern feathers consist of thousands of fibres held together by tiny hooks.

胡正生心想,也许这些前辈们现在就聚拢在师傅的身边。Perhaps, Hu thought, these ancestors now were gathering by his master's side.

孩子聚拢在玛丽亚身边悄悄耳语,玛丽亚会意,拿起吉它来到上校面前Children gather around Maria. Maria comes up, presents the guitar to the Captain.

假如这样,美国的魔鬼运动将终于可以重新聚拢高涨的人气——只要一个晚上。At long last, America’s ghost sport would have reassembled the throngs—if only for a night.

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今天,就让鲜花和友情聚拢,安抚我们激动不已的心吧!Today may these roses and our friendship as well be together and comfort our excited hearts!

“这是一项精彩的发明”,周崇武说,“它将一系列创新聚拢到一起”。"This is a wonderful piece of work, " says Zhou. "It pulls together a bunch of innovations. "

我个人不认为赶着一群潜水员聚拢在一个地点是超出了潜导的职责范围。What are the minimum standards of qualifications for dive guides in these far off destinations?