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一瓶夏布利葡萄酒。A bottle of Chablis, please.

夏布利葡萄酒色泽呈浅禾秆色,微泛绿色。The colour of Chablis is pale straw with green tinges.

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夏布罗尔的想法也和这个差不多。And Chabrol isn't very far from thinking the same thing.

采用夏布丽风格酒的采摘酿造工艺制造。During production a Chablis style handling and wine making is used.

我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽白葡萄酒。We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis.

一名男子去年十月三十一日在巴西夏布里一处橡胶园里采集橡胶。A man harvests rubber at a rubber plantation in Xapuri, Brazil, on Oct. 31, 2007.

我建议您点夏布丽白葡萄酒。我认为这种酒很适合您点的鱼。I would recommend the Chablis . I think this wine would be perfect with your fish.

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制法是先在粘土,灰泥或木制模型上将夏布或绸料用漆裱上,然后干燥。Lacquer, gunny and silk are mounted on a clay, plaster or wooden base and then dried.

夏布利村的名称是由法国最著名的白葡萄酒而得来的。The village of Chablis gives its name to one of the most famous white wines in France.

在2007年,与这种报道新闻价值相等的可能是一箱夏布利白葡萄酒,但我仍然想得到来过此地的证据。The equivalent in 2007 media dollars is probably a box of Chablis, but I still wanted evidence.

在法国的夏布利产区,霞多利是唯一一种被官方认可,而且标记为“清爽,坚硬”的葡萄酒。In the Chablis region of France, it is the only grape permitted and it renders a "crisp, flinty " wine.

夏布罗尔曾说他和男演员之间总有权利争夺,而和女演员之间的默契超越了吸引力。Chabrol has said that with the actors there are invariably power struggles, while with actresses the rapport is more one of seduction.

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索比想到,一只烤野鸭很对劲——再来一瓶夏布利酒,然后是卡门贝干酪,一小杯清咖啡和一只雪茄烟。A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing-with a bottle of Chablis, and then Camembert , a demitasse and a cigar.

索比想到,一只烤野鸭很对劲——再来一瓶夏布利酒,然后是卡门贝干酪,一小盃清咖啡和一只雪茄烟。A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing—with a bottle of Chablis , and then Camembert, a demitasse and a cigar.

福建脱胎漆器始于18世纪。制法是先在粘土,灰泥或木制模型上将夏布或绸料用漆裱上,然后干燥。Fujian bodiless lacquerware developed in the 18th century. Lacquer, gunny and silk are mounted on a clay, plaster or wooden base and then dried.

他想,我为什么不能捉许多萤火虫,把它们放在一个用白夏布缝制的袋子里呢,或许我就能利用萤火虫发出的光来翻阅更多的书籍。He thought, Why can not I catch a number of fireflies, put them in a white linen sewing bag it, maybe I can use fireflies emit light to read more books.

糊夏布,是防止木胎拼接出现罅隙纰谬。各地糊夏布之法不同。Pasting Chinese linen is preventing cracks in the wood joints. The methods of pasting Chinese linen are different in pmartial arts disciplines of China.

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默多克是英国太阳报母公司的老板,他在婚礼中亲手将他32岁的女儿领进了牛津夏布伦海姆宫中一座18世纪的教堂内。Mr Murdoch, chairman of Sun's parent company News Corporation, was on hand to give his 32-year-old daughter away at an 18th century chapel at Oxfordshire's Blenheim Palace.

随着人们生活水平的不断提高以及国外市场对不同层次夏布的须求,原始的粗加工,已经不能满足市场的须求。With the continuous improvement of the living standards of foreign markets and different levels of the need for grass cloth, the original Rough has been unable to meet market demand.

吴城剪纸艺人又结合本地资源,开发出夏布剪纸这一新品种,更彰显剪纸地方特色。Paper-cut artist Wu City, also in conjunction with local resources to develop the new varieties of grass cloth paper cutting, paper cutting has become more conspicuous local features.