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相对湿度采用百分数表示。Relative humidity is expressed as percentage.

相对湿度较低时,有风化的危险。At low relative humidities there is a risk of efflorescence.

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夏季人们感到皮肤粘乎乎的是因为相对湿度很高。In summer people feel sticky in that relative humidity is quite high.

相对湿度降低,净光合速率也降低。Decreased relative humidity induces decreased net photosynthetic rate.

空气相对湿度对黄顶菊种子萌发影响较小。Relative humidity had less affect on the germination of the F. bidentis.

温度和相对湿度也会影响表面电阻。Temperature and relative humidity can also affect the surface resistance.

空气负离子浓度与空气相对湿度呈指数递增关系。There was an exponential relationship between ANCIC and air relative humidity.

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在中高相对湿度下,调湿作用主要是依靠毛细凝聚作用,调湿性能由孔容积决定。At medium and high RH, it is capillary condensation, and the main factor is pore volume.

田间相对湿度高,对晚疫病发生与流行十分有利。High relative humidity in field was favorable for occurrence and epidemic of late blight.

“我们对接近地表的相对湿度测量效果很糟,”麦克尤恩说。"We have very poor measurements of relative humidity near the surface, " Dr. McEwen said.

太阳辐射、空气相对湿度、风速、土壤湿度等因子也有一定影响。SFV was also affected by solar irradiation, air relative humidity, wind speed, and soil moisture.

乾燥用热风温度与相对湿度系由两股气流混合控制而成。The temperature and relative humidity of drying air were controlled by mixing of two air streams.

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另外,气溶胶光学厚度与相对湿度季节变化大体成反相关关系。In addition, there is a anti-correlation between AOD and seasonal variations of relative humidity.

SF6气体的相对湿度可以直观地反映SF6高压电器设备的绝缘状态。The relative humidity of SF6 gas-insulated HV equipment reflects its insulation property intuitively.

京白梨果实蒸腾速率随着相对湿度增大,明显降低。The increase in relative humidity resulted in a significant decrease of the fruit transpiration rates.

最后考察了相对湿度对伏安特性和放电稳定性的影响。At last, the effects of RH on voltage-current characteristics and discharge stability are investigated.

空气中水蒸汽量的度量。既可以以绝对湿度,也可以以相对湿度表示。The measure of the amount of water vapor in air, expressed as either the absolute or relative humidity.

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而当煤堆中气流的相对湿度减小时,预计的煤堆最高温度将会超过100℃。However, it will be higher than 100℃, if the relative humidity of the gas flow in the pile is decreased.

控制循环空气的相对湿度和空气的温度可防止表面硬化的出现。It is prevented by controlling the relative humidity of the circulating air and the temperature of the air.

相对湿度发生变化时,感病棉铃虫死亡速度和死亡率明显不同。There were significant differences among the mortalities of the cotton bollworm under different humidities.