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他从她身边闪身躲过。He dodged past her.

拳击手学习急速扭头和闪身。A boxer learns to bob and weave.

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为了避免和一个朋友见面,我闪身躲到了桥下。To avoid my friend,I dodged under the bridge.

她一拳向我击来,我闪身没让她碰到我。She hit at me, but I didn't let her touch me.

他看到一个警察向他走来,便闪身躲在一辆汽车后边。He saw a policeman coming and ducked behind a car.

过来的时候已经一闪身进入去。Time of coming over already a Shan body gets into.

她停下车,闪身躲进了最近的咖啡馆。She stopped the car and dodged into the nearest cafe.

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话落,他一个闪身,消失不见。The words fall, he namely a Shan body, fade to perish.

那男孩闪身躲到门后,不让我们看见他。The boy dodged behind a door so that we could not see him.

听见有人进来了,他一闪身藏在了窗帘的后面。Hearing someone come in, he hid himself behind the curtain.

露西安娜闪身上了一辆绿色的小型汽车不见了。Luciana vanished aboard one of the diminutive green vehicles.

这女孩闪身躲到树后不让其他孩子看见。The girl dodged behind a tree to hide from the other children.

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先不管她们,我径直走到大门前,扣响了门铃,开门的是鲍先生的中国男仆浩克·拖伊,穿的一身白夹克,他一闪身让我进到屋子里来。I rang the bell and the sleek, white-jacketed Chinese houseboy, Hock Tooey, let me in.

李世民忽然从旁边闪身出来,高呼谁敢动如意就要对方的命。During the suddenly from the dodge out, Shouting who dare to move with each others life.

我想起来,课前,不知道什么事,红兵曾一闪身进了办公室——原来是他捣的鬼!I realized why he slipped into the office oddly before the class---It was nothing but his tricks!

江一点不露声色,一闪身就不见了,跟着就在五十英尺以外的水边出现,就那么一刹那工夫。Without warning, Chiang vanished and appeared at the water’s edge fifty feet away, all in the flicker of an instant.

他们不仅闪身避开了,而且刚才那个放慢脚步去救不省人事的同伙的食死徒,此刻也赶了上来。Not only did they swerve to avoid it, but the companion who had slowed to save their unconscious friend had caught up.

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其中一只鞋子飞过了布什的头,砸向他身后的墙壁,接着,他又一闪身,躲过了另外一只。One of the shoes sailed over the president's head and slammed into the wall behind him and he had to duck to miss the other one.

见酒店中掌柜等又再涌出,不愿多惹麻烦,闪身便出店门,迳向北行。All the restaurant crew had come rushing out again. Wanting no more trouble, he dodged his way out of the door and strode straight toward north.

过了一会儿,克里斯蒂娜·桑切斯登场了。她进行了传统的表演,挥动红披风吸引公牛,然后在公牛冲到跟前的一瞬间闪身躲开。After a short time, Christina Sanchez came out and performed the traditional waving of the cape to attract the bull, then stepping aside at the last moment.