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他喜欢信守中庸之道。He likes to stick to a happy medium.

中庸之道是最好的准则。Moderation in all things is the best of rules.

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我发觉生活中能保持中庸之道,才是最上策。I have found that keeping a happy medium is the best way of life.

其中,整体和谐性是中庸之道最本质的特征。Among them, integrity harmony is the most essential characteristics.

许多中国人相信中庸之道,以此为人生哲学。Many Chinese people believe in happy medium as a philosophy of life.

在保守公司里,文化可能演变成了中庸之道盛行。In a conservative company, cultures may evolve that accept mediocrity.

但是我们必须在全部说出和什么也不说之间找到中庸之道。But we need to strike a balance between telling it all and telling nothing.

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孔子曾简洁地以一句“过犹不及”来概括中庸之道。Confucius has said succinctly with a "too far" to be summarized middle ground.

一整套政治学说,所谓中庸之道便是从这里产生出来的。A whole political school called "the golden mean" has been the outcome of this.

中国人经常赞美刘翔和姚明为他们中庸之道的代言人。The Chinese often praise Liu and the basketball star Yao Ming for their modesty.

儒家的中庸之道是我治理和经营企业的理念。Golden mean in Confucianism is the ideology of fathering and managing enterprise.

现在人们都倾向于采取中庸之道的立场去返答题目,由于它安全,不着风险。At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply.

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对待朋友应在过分亲近与过分疏远中,选择中庸之道。We need to have a happy medium between being too close and too distant to our friends.

以中庸之道行事是十分危险的,因为稍不留神就会偏左或是偏右。It's very dangerous to act on Golden Mean, for it tends readily to swing left or right.

推理的目标是希腊人的真理至上和中国中庸之道的发现。The goal of reasoning is the discovery of truth for the Greeks and the Middle Way for the Chinese.

两者都不能走极端,正确的道路是中庸之道,我想他们是一些务实的理想主义者。Never go to extremes, the right way are the Golden Mean, I think they should be group of pragmatic idealist.

建议你现在能学些中庸之道,而不至于让这一情况以后变得更加极端。Learn to be moderate in all your activities now so that you won't have to change later when it will be harder.

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对中国人来说,“中庸之道”经过数千年的历史积淀,甚至内化成了自己的性格特征。To the Chinese people, " a middle course" after thousands of years of history, and even turned into his character.

当你对某人生起反感,或对某人产生好感时,切勿将此情加储其人之身,而只能保持中庸之道。When a mood against someone or for someone arises, do not place it on the person in question, but remain centered.

中庸之道是孔门的看家本领,同时也是人生处世的真谛,更是社会发展所应遵循的准则。Moderation is the core of Confucius thought, the essence of life, and a principle followed in the development of society.