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医生使她收复了说话的才具。The doctor restored her power of speech.

他们打胜了这一仗并收复了失地。They won the battle and resumed lost territory.

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会议被阿尔巴尼亚的领土收复主义者所中断。The meeting is disrupted by Albanian irredentist.

欧洲几大股指早盘收复失地。Major European indexes erased early morning losses.

士兵们收复被敌人攻占的城市。The soldiers recaptured the city lost to the enemy.

而这种危险的领土收复论也站不住脚!Nor does the argument about dangerous irredentism stand up.

苏联军队收复俄罗斯城市和农场一个接一个。Soviet forces recaptured Russian cities and farms one by one.

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他丰富的作战经验,使他的部队得以收复欧洲。His battle-tested skill equipped the troops to reclaim Europe.

清初英雄郑成功,收复台湾世界见。Qing hero Zheng Chenggong, recovering around the world to see.

中国不承认满洲国也无法收复满洲。China neither recognized Manchukuo nor was able to recover Manchuria.

怀疑论者认为,中资银行股或许无法收复失地。Skeptics say Chinese bank stocks might not recover their lost ground.

这座城市于4月陷入敌手,于9月收复。The city fell into enemy hands in April, and was regained in September.

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美国海军陆战队收复了赫尔曼德省一度被塔利班控制的城镇。American Marines have recaptured Taliban-held towns in Helmand province.

这在全国引起了收复铁路修筑权的运动。It touched off a nationwide movement for the recovery of railway rights.

黄花蒿可作为干旱地区收复弃耕地的先锋植物。L is taken as a plant available to live in abandoned land in arid region.

左宗棠收复新疆有深刻的思想基础。Zuozongtang had a deep ideological foundation when he recovered xinjiang.

几年后,昭王收复失土,又回到国内主持政务。After a few years, the king reoccupied his land and came into power again.

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最后,道琼斯指数收复了55点,而纳斯达克指数下跌了44点。In the end, the Dow gave back 55 points, while the NASDAQ tumbled about 44.

在十九五十一的第一天,朝鲜收复汉城。In the first days of nineteen-fifty-one, the North Koreans recaptured Seoul.

祖承训轻视日军,号称可以迅速收复平壤。ZuChengXun to belittle the Japanese, so-called can quickly retrieve Pyongyang.