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他的这篇议论文并没有把握住主题的肯綮。His argument does not get to the heart of the topic.

喜欢议论文,就去找一些有评论性质的文章读。Like the argumentation, find some critics nature articles read.

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每一篇议论文总分6分,由至少两位评分者评分。Each essay is scored by at least two readers on a six-point holistic scale.

假如两个分数在一分之内,两个分数的平均分就是这篇议论文的得分。If the two scores are within one point, the average of the scores is taken.

例如,一篇议论文包括两个主要部分,前提和结论。For instance, an argumentation is made up of two parts, presupposition and conclusion.

一位申请者“写了一篇议论文,期间他打破了一堵墙,”UNC的Farmer说。One applicant "wrote about an argument during which he broke a wall, " says UNC's Farmer.

现在高考作文一般都会选择议论文。Compositions for the college entrance examination are usually argumentative writings nowadays.

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大多数演讲稿如同一篇议论文,有主要观点,有对主要观点的论证。The majority of the speech as a argumentative writing, have main viewpoint, has the main points.

总而言之,家长不该无视电脑游戏对小孩的反作用。议论文论据。Parents, in a word, should never lose sight of the side-effects of computer games on their children.

在各种文体的教学中,尤以议论文最具挑战性。Among different types of writing, argumentative teaching is the most challenging one to the teachers.

分析协作部分由两篇不同的议论文组成,一篇“观点题”和一篇“辩论题”。The analytical writing section consists of two different essays, an "issue task" and an "argument task".

这将直接影响学生进入高中阶段之后议论文写作水平的提高。This will affect the improvement of the level of argumentation writing after students enter the high schools.

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这三种目标设置中,分目标对写作困难儿童的议论文说服力有很大的促进作用。In all goal conditions, subgoal improved the essays' persuasiveness of students with writing difficulties the most.

二年级的写作课主要内容包括文学作品故事梗概,论文内容提要,说明文、议论文等等。It is mainly concerned with writing main ideas of literature works, outline of dissertation and argumentation, etc.

本研究的目的在于探讨中国英语学习者英语议论文写作中的论据使用。This study investigated the use of evidences in argumentation in Chinese English learners English language writing.

不同年级中学生阅读同一难度议论文的眼动模式有一定差异。The eye-movement pattern of reading the same level argumentations among different grade students also shows different.

新闻评论属于议论文的范畴,主要运用议论手法,本质上属于主观认识。Commentary belongs to a category of discussion, mainly making use of discussion, and it is subjective knowledge in essence.

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不同年级中学生对同一难度议论文阅读理解成绩有一定差异。There is difference in the comprehension of the different grade middle-school students reading the same level argumentations.

议论文写作中,利用反证法常能很好地驳斥对方论点并树立自己的论点。Using rebuttals of evidence in an argumentative paper can both attack the arguments of your opponents and support your own ones.

鉴于高中学段的特殊性,还是应该让学生先写好记叙文,再练习议论文。Given the specificity of the high school segment, should allow students to write narrative, first and then argumentative practice.