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这种人无资格谈情说爱。Such people are not eligible talked of love.

每晚同你谈情说爱,我冇咁多时间喎!I can't spend every evening mashing with you!

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公园里有几对谈情说爱的男女。There were several courting couples in the park.

猜谜语是缅族男女青年谈情说爱的媒介。Riddle is widely used when young Myanmar are dating.

河边有好几对男女在谈情说爱。There were several couples spooning at the riverside.

这里的美女会讲世上最适合谈情说爱的语言法语。All the women here speak French, the language of love.

蒲公英就是我跟她们谈情说爱时的定情物。Dandelions were my way of giving them love and affection.

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我曾经看到过你和英格里德在教堂野餐时坐在一起谈情说爱。I had watched you flirt with Ingrid at the church picnics.

我们让那两个年轻人一起去谈情说爱吧。We'll leave the two young people to bill and coo together.

公园树下尽是谈情说爱的情侣。The park was full of lovers billing and cooing under the tress.

在戏院里不要谈情说爱,除非你是在舞台上表演。Do not make love before an audience, unless you are on the stage.

我发现开始喜欢上了他,但理智告诉我不能谈情说爱,要努力学习。I found he liked, but I cannot tell Muenster, reason to study hard.

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你曾否记得去年三月我们在花海中谈情说爱呢?Do you still remember we had amorism in the blossom ocean last March?

我不会浪费时间去谈情说爱,我就是为了钱而结婚。There can be no mooning and spooning about it. I mean to marry money.

公园是学生们最喜欢与女友谈情说爱的场所。The park is a favorite spot for the students to romance their girl-friends.

她平常的情感极不专一,可是从来没有缺少过谈情说爱的对象。Her affections had been continually fluctuating, but never without an object.

一些以单身酒吧和谈情说爱的场面出名的城市也排在后面。Some cities renowned for their singles bars and hook-up scenes were also low in the ranking.

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绝对不像美国这里,提亲谈情说爱成了成年以后玩乐年代生活的一部分。It is definitely not a part of the fun-filled years of growing up like it is here in America.

他对这个角色也情有独钟,因为这使他有更多机会去游历世界,并有充裕的时间与以色列女友谈情说爱。And Saif loved this role, which allowed him to travel abroad and hang out with his Israeli girlfriend.

一些大学生缺少学习动力、目标,于是转到谈情说爱,聊以消磨时光,寻求快乐。Some college students lack of study power and aim, so turn to love to spend time search for happiness.