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你们有橡皮泥吗?Do you have plasticene?

橡皮泥和菓子。Fake wagashi with plasticene.

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俩人在一起玩橡皮泥。The boys played play-doh together.

本发明公布了一种橡皮泥笔。The invention discloses a plasticine pen.

用自制橡皮泥做个动物家族.Build animal families out of homemade play doh.

那个小男孩正将橡皮泥捏成小狗的形状。The boy is kneading the plasticine into the shape of a dog.

有一天我用橡皮泥做了一个小东西,父母称赞了我。One day I made a little object in plasticine and my parents said it was good.

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到这里你可能会嘀咕“这什么人啊,让自己的孩子吃橡皮泥,小狗也吃?”Now you may think “why would you let your kids eat play dough or feed it to the dog?”

很快她就在学习如何调和、使用色彩以及做小的橡皮泥模型了。Soon she was being instructed how to mix and use colors and shape small plasticene models.

很快有人指导她学会混和用色来捏小橡皮泥模型。Soon she was being instructed how to mix and use colors and shape small plasticine models.

我本来想孩子们可以捏捏,卷卷,捣鼓着玩橡皮泥,捏出各种有趣的动物和形状。The kids are meant to roll and pound and make all sorts of interesting animals and shapes.

我唯一能建议的是大家一定要像制作粘土或者橡皮泥玩具一样反复的用羊毛进行实验。The only thing I can suggest is experiment with wool as you would with clay or plasticine.

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像这种橡皮泥效果现在来讲已经被认可了,在视觉上已经非常大众化了。It is now very much a house-style, a recognised style, that plasticine effect. I mean look.

首先将宽头钉的杆竖起,将其头朝下推入橡皮泥球。First hold the nail with the wide head by its shaft and push it head-first into the ball of clay.

玩橡皮泥或黏土对孩子们有好处,这样可以释放紧张情绪,并制作象征性的物品。Playing with playdough or clay is good for children to release tension and make symbolic creations.

橡皮泥买回来了,琳宝开始有模有样地做起来了,真像那么一回事。Rubber cement to buy back, Lambeth began to die there like to do together, and really like them all.

“哈哈尼”色彩丰富,可塑性强,是一种优于纸粘土、软陶、橡皮泥的最新手工艺创作材料。Comparing with other materials such as plasticene and paper clay, Hahani clay is rich in color and easy to shape.

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平常,当你用球棒击球时,球棒的属性不会发生变化—它不会变成橡皮泥。Normally, when you hit a baseball with a bat, theproperties of the bat don't change -- it won't turn to Silly Putty.

这种优美曲线的弹簧是偶然被发现的,而同时政府花大价钱投入弹性橡皮泥的研究。While the Slinky was discovered by accident, tons of government dollars worth of research were poured into Silly Putty.

只要有一块橡皮泥、一枚宽头钉和一枚窄头钉,你很容易就能看到这一原理是如何运作的。You can easily see how this works with a piece of modeling clay, a nail with a wide head, and a nail with a small head.