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商贩经常报谎价以便获得更高的利润。Peddleries usually overbid to gain more profits.

警察正在取缔无证商贩。The police are weeding out the unlicensed pedler.

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他比以往任何时候都更象一个生意兴隆的商贩了。He looked more than ever like a prosperous bagman.

卖水果的商贩沉重地推着车子沿街走去。The fruit seller trundled his cart along the street.

那个推着板车的商贩正在卖西瓜。The trader pushing small dray is selling watermelon.

我从商贩子那里买的米,肯定被克扣了分量。I surely got beaten when I bought rice from a monger.

他的父亲是个蔬菜商贩。Liu's classmates, whose father is a vegetable peddler.

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对了,那些卖臭豆腐的商贩都是从湖南来的吗?By the way, do all the stinky tofu vendors come from Hunan?

商贩那儿买了一些土制炸药。He bought some home-made explosives from the street traders.

食品商贩上了离开缅甸仰光市的一列火车。Food traders join a train leaving the Burmese city of Rangoon.

有些人正在大声同兜售货物的商贩讲价钱。Some were haggling loudly with traders as they hawked their wares.

政府不时地会对饭店和商贩发动突击检查。The authorities launch occasional raids on restaurants and dealers.

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致使不法商贩浑水摸鱼,出售不合格产品。The pusher, not qualified products to sell fish in troubled waters.

这些商贩非常之磨人,让许多游客都感觉很不舒服。The vendors are very persistent, making many tourists uncomfortable.

船上许多游客开始同商贩讲价Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen

另有一个商贩说,有关部门仍允许卖活鸡。A third seller said authorities were still allowing sales of chickens.

两个商贩在装满黄色活鸡的笼子后打盹。Two of the salesmen were snoozing behind full cages of yellow chickens.

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傍晚,穿过亚姆那河来到泰姬陵前售卖蔬菜的商贩。Vegetable sellers crossing Yamuna River at sunrise in front of Taj Mahal.

这就是那个从格伦特随军商贩帐篷中把他撵出来的校官。It was the same staff-officer who had turned him out of the booth at Grunte.

那些忐忑不安的商贩们在安全化妆品竞选活动中再次名列其中。The fear mongering folks at the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics are at it again.