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开春后,有过两次泛滥。When spring came, it brought two floods.

开春后,农民们开始耕田播种了。Farmers begin to sow shortly after the coming of spring.

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翌年开春,他们又如法炮制了同样的计划。The next year, they make the same New Year's resolutions.

未见花开春已尽,待到秋来月又缺。No spring bloom had done up until the time fall short of months to come.

据李先生介绍,他每年都会从集市上买回丝瓜种子,开春种下。Li said that every year he will buy seeds of loofah and plant them in spring.

如果出现鳄梨树冻伤,你应该等到开春才可以修剪。If freeze damage occurs, you should wait until spring before pruning avocado trees.

杰克告诉我,他们开春要在罗贝街盖一栋六层楼的大楼…Jack told me they were going to put up a six-story building next spring in Robey Street.

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不过现在冬天快来了,在开春以前,是不能航海的。Now winter was approaching, and the voyage would not be made before the following spring.

2005年开春之时,这种抗逆转录病毒药品也为一大批患者送去了生命的春天。In the early months of 2005 a good number of his patients' lives had been reinvigorated by the drugs.

2009年开春市场有所回暖,但未来走势仍未明朗。Although the real estate market become warmer in the Spring 2009, but the future trend remains unclear.

在大多数阿拉伯世界里,母亲节是在3月21日,刚好是开春时节。In much of the Arab world, Mother's Day is on March 21, which happens to loosely coincide with the start of spring.

“孩子,回来!”松鼠母亲著急地呼叫小松鼠说,“刚开春,天还很冷,小心冻著!”"Son, come back! " Anxious mother squirrel squirrels call said, "just opened in spring, it was still cold, chilled careful! "

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这正是开春时节,到处都充满了春天的气息,就连鼹鼠这个地下阴暗的小窝里也洋溢着春意。It was springtime, and the smell and the sound of spring were everywhere, even in the Mole's dark little house under the ground.

如果你确信严寒已经造成了枝条的坏死,那么可以等到开春后再修剪它,以确认该如何修剪以及修剪多少。If you believe damage has been caused by freezing, wait to prune the tree until the spring to determine where and how much to cut.

开春以来,陆续有两批北京购房团到万通天津项目考察看房。From this spring, two groups of apartment buyers from Beijng have visited and looked at the apartments of Vantone program in Tianjin.

我们预计以色列人会很快到来,如果今年冬天不来,那就得等到明年开春了,那时候的土地对于他们的坦克来说还不算太软。We expect the Israelis to come soon, if not this winter, then they will wait until spring, when the ground isn't too soft for their tanks.

由于受冻而受损的枝条除外,因为这些纸条在冬天看起来好像已经坏死,但在开春后却确实有可能再生。Damaged wood caused by freezing is the exception, as what may look to be dead in the winter months, may actually renew itself in the spring.

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我有空的时候帮帮他看修理部,为了多挣钱养家糊口,开春时我抓了两口猪正在育肥呢!When I have time, I help him in the repair shop in order to earn more money for our family. The two pigs I bought in the spring are getting fat!

今年开春伊始,经济衰退已见端倪,住房市场严重萧条和信贷忍痛紧缩令买家更趋谨慎。The economy has weakened since the start of this year as shoppers turned even more cautious given the severe housing slump and painful credit crunch.

许多电厂做出了极其危险的举措,将他们的煤储量降到了极低的水平,以希望在开春天气暖和后煤价能下降。Many producers responded by letting their stocks fall to dangerously low levels, in the hope prices would fall when the weather warms up in the spring.