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我能够把这张图画拿走吗?May I took that imagin?

“快来看这些图画!”“Look at these pictures!

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现在给我们看看你的图画!Show us your picutre now!

他给图画作最后的润色。He finished up a painting.

那张图画上下颠倒。The picture is upside down.

有一只钟和两张图画。There is a clock and two picture.

有一只钟和两张图画。There's a clock and two pictures.

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脑中的图画更加真实。It's more before their mind's eye.

我的眼睛画图画得好累喔。My eyes are so tired from drawing.

现在这里有一个更大的图画。Now there's a bigger picture here.

每句话都描绘了一幅图画。Each a picture drawn in a sentence.

这幅图画是毕卡索所绘。The picture was painted by Picasso.

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第六十八课共有十幅图画。There are ten pictures in lesson 68.

你可以把这张图画在你们的笔记上。So you can draw that into your notes.

他把所有图画捆在一起。He faggoted all the pictures together.

将这些图画按准确顺序排出来。Put the pictures in the correct order.

都是用图画代替的文字。He used pictures instead of characters.

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地图和图画使这本书趣味盎然。Maps and pictures bring the book alive.

晚霞恰如一幅图画。The sunset glow is just like a picture.

找到和这个单词对应的图画。Find the picture that matches that word.